Seven News Content and Appearance (2015-2020)

Just switched on 7Live because I couldn’t be bothered going down to the lounge room, came across a blooper on the Adelaide news. The first story about a car crashing into a house at Salisbury East wouldn’t play. Was played as the second story instead.

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Yeah, whoops! There is a bit more to this though. The first story was played in error at the end of an unrelated live cross, before Jessica had a chance to introduce it. They cut back to Jessica a few seconds later where she introduced the story and then it wouldn’t play, as @Nick said.

Channel 7 trims Gold Coast bureau weekend news bulletin

CHANNEL 7 Queensland has axed its weekend bulletin on the Gold Coast to cut costs.

Staff at the Gold Coast newsroom were informed of the shutdown, effective immediately, last Tuesday. It brings Seven into line with Nine’s five-day Gold Coast News.

Note - there was no GC bulletin in the schedule for this weekend.


Doesn’t surprise me… Nine certainly called Seven’s bluff knowing that they’d axe it before long if Nine didn’t bother with creating a competing local product.

Well, lots of things got in it. With weekend GC news axed for budget reasons, chances for the Brisbane set upgrade are close to zero.

Neither Seven nor Nine airing a national morning news bulletin today (at least in Melbourne and Sydney), due to network commitments.

Seven blurring the ABC News graphic on their Don Burke story last night, replacing it with their own.


ABC credited tonight


The green screen isn’t working for Angie for the weather in Sydney tonight…

Can’t find any vision but quite the blooper at the end of sport in Melbourne tonight. Tim Watson does his throw back to Peter Mitchell, who thanks him but is off mic and off camera. Tim smiles awkwardly for a few seconds then camera switches to Mitchell just as Watson begins reading the next story off camera.
Mitchell eventually throws to next story and then we hear him telling Watson, “You still had the rugby thing”


The 5pm bulletin today used the Sydney titlecard and the closer played some of Paul McCartney’s music from his concert.


They really can’t get things right with these 5PM bulletins can they?

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After Bill MacDonald finished last week, Seven have moved to a single reader bulletin.

This may be the first time the city has had seen all female newsreaders across the full week:

Ten - Georgina Lewis
Nine - Melissa Downes
Seven - Sharyn Ghidella
ABC - Karina Carvalho Mon-Thurs and Jessica van Vonderen Fri

Last year Seven had the summer crew in but still dual presenters.


Seven will justify Bill’s axing or non-renewal of contract as a budget cut. To exemplify this, they will likely adopt a single header bulletin nightly (Sharyn weeknights and Kay weekends).

This will be a brave and historic move, given both Nine and Seven have preferred double headers in QLD’s past.


Rare for any city in Australia, knowing it’s summer and the end of the ratings week. Yet, in Bill’s case…

…we’ll keep an eye on it, though I won’t hold my breath if budget cuts forced the change in presenters across Seven and Nine.

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I don’t know if everyone else has noticed but in Sydney, David Brown has ‘invented’ a new feature to his presentation of the weather called the ‘Comfort Index level’ I believe, in recent weeks and it is only used when he is presenting the weather, not anyone else. It is supposed to combine things like temperature and humidity together to tell you what conditions are like outside and uncomfortable or comfortable it may be. It’s a similar thing to Melbourne I think and Jane’s infamous ‘8 day outlook’. It must be quite significant since they are including this in David Brown’s weather presenter promos currently showing in Sydney. I don’t have a link to the promo but if you watch in Sydney, I’m sure you’ll see it come up somewhere again…


I don’t think that word means what you think it means



I think it means exactly what he meant.

Her 8 day outlook is infamous.

Not only is it infamous, it is pointless and almost always inaccurate.


Brownie also invented the 7 day outlook.

It shows how ridiculous Jane Bunn’s infamous 8 day outlook is, that it hasn’t been adopted anywhere else.


Yeah I’m calling bullshit on that one.

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