Seven News Content and Appearance (2015-2020)

And the “Jane Bunn” element of the graphic was huge. Much bigger than the rest of the text. Looks weird.


Way too much of a pause for intro in yesterday’s 6pm Melb news? Seemed awkward?
EDIT: just watched other parts of the bulletin. Compared with bulletins from other states, I expected more. They are going way too low, standards dropping.

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That pause was clearly a minor blooper, and not intentional.

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The camera was all out of whack after the opener too.

It’s seriously amateur hour at the moment.

It used to be such a polished bulletin, now there are errors literally every bulletin I watch.

No wonder viewers are fleeing in droves!!


Yet, you somehow keep watching. Timing the closer music again?


I’m a 7 viewer. Always have been.

Passionate about well delivered news also.

To my horror, closers are basically extinct these days. I thought you would be aware of that.


Another (boring) COVID promo

Gold Coat version


Gold Coast News Update with countdown

It’s getting dark at 5:30pm


Just wanted to know which you think looks best:


  • 1st
  • 2nd
  • 3rd

0 voters

That’s been airing since last weekend.

The SEVERE WEATHER UPDATE graphic made another appearance tonight in the Melbourne bulletin.

It just doesn’t work well IMO. Looks as though it has just been slapped there.


The end of the Melbourne buletin began with a long closer, I was waiting to hear the music, aaannd… it ended before it was to supposed to and (another) Big Brother promo aired!

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Seven are obsessed with lines! That’s their way to communicate “ITS AN EMERGENCY! :rotating_light:

They have had the same angled scan lines throughout their graphics packages since 2012. It’s hideous and so dated looking


Yes, maybe it is slapped on but it’s not like the whole thing is ruined. With some tweaks it can look better.

My guess is that “Well, it worked back in the 80s!” (especially with the new Opening voiceover guy being the same one who did the 1980s “The Team To Watch” promos for Ten Eyewitness News) is the philosophy behind many branding decisions made by Seven News post-2011.

I’d just like to say (in my own opinion) John Stanton sounds like a cool guy to be with, but I don’t like him as a V/O, he just doesn’t do it for me. I’d prefer Nicholas McKay, or more localized V/Os (To show local talent). Also, if the theory that “Well, it worked back in the 80s!” is what they are going with, they are freaking idiots. Scan lines alone didn’t work (They didn’t work anyway), the combined efforts of professionals made 7NEWS work, take 7NEWS Adelaide for example, we were falling behind 9 for a while. Then in 2004, we got (ex) News Director Terry Plane, he along with other professionals at the time, made 7NEWS Adelaide number 1. It’s like making a cake, to make a cake, you got to have the right ingredients.


In other events, tonight 7Melbourne had some good news to work with. But I’m seriously disappointed they chose to use an AFL headline in their opener ahead of more important crime and corona related stuff. Prioritizing is not 7’s strong point in Melbourne.
Also, unrelated to this issue, starting to see more nicer HD shots during live news and also in reports in Melbourne bulletins? Makes everything look fresher.

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Is there a difference between the two?

Minor blooper on Syd Afternoon News

Seven really getting better at news about murders and stabbings since the CBD stabbing in Syd

Is this new?


One says ‘Developing Now,’ one says ‘Developing Story?’ :laughing:


I think this has been mentioned before, but during the sports segment in the Melbourne bulletin, the presenters are sitting down, after they did a standing up presentation for a month or so. Why the change back?

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