Seven News Content and Appearance (2015-2020)

Monday 9 March 2020:

No Morning News scheduled. The Moomba Festival is airing from 11am-12pm, followed by encores of primetime offerings.

A local Morning News is scheduled at 11.30am with Kendall Gilding.


Wonder why?


There was one on the opener of the 5pm news today too… I can’t remember the word, but I noticed it in the smaller print under the main heading

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I reckon this is because the national morning news will be live in Sydney only as opposed to a one-hour delay in Brisbane.

Nine did have a local morning news bulletin for the south-east Queensland market between 2014-17, but it was axed without notice in 2017.

On that topic, and I think this has been discussed here before but is unlikely to proceed, that Seven should also go local with their morning news bulletins as well. Presenters would be, where possible, the exact same as the afternoon rosters.

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Yes - another typo.


Yep that’s it! :+1:

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It will be to cover the funeral of Hannah Clarke.



Another one, this time on Perth’s Flashpoint tonight (apologies for the quality):

“Don’t need to panic”? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


You’re legally required to not panic or to not even desire panicking. I don’t make the rules.

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Got the chance to swing by Martin Place this evening to watch Seven News Sydney being produced live.


This set is the worst thing I’ve seen in my life, along with Seven News Perth.

It’s like Q&A but on a budget.


Spot the awkward presenter.

Also what is with these graphics? No consistency at all!

Must say I didn’t mind this OTS though. At least the text kind of ties in with the Opener with the gold and looks clean. Should be the default for all of the OTS in my opinion.


7NEWS to reveal allegations against one of Australia’s highest ranked Catholics

7NEWS will tonight reveal bombshell allegations against one of Australia’s highest ranked Catholics.

7NEWS chief correspondent Chris Reason has the details behind the 18-month investigation into the serving Bishop.

Full details in 7NEWS, LIVE at 6.00


Trying to steal Sarah Ferguson’s thunder?

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Who was it?

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Christopher Saunders, the Bishop of Broome.
Chris Reason also wrote this report for the 7news website.

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Major development in investigation into one of Australia’s highest ranked Catholics

There are major developments in the last hour; 7NEWS can reveal the Right Reverend Christopher Saunders, Bishop of Broome, has been stood down from his role following an 18-month Police investigation.

Since October 2018, Bishop Saunders, one of the highest ranked Catholics in the country, has been at the centre of an investigation codenamed Operation White Plane over alleged “historical sexual assault complaints”.

After Cardinal George Pell, the Bishop of Broome is the highest member of the Catholic Church in Australia to face a sex crimes investigation.

The announcement this afternoon follows a month-long 7NEWS investigation, led by Chief Correspondent Chris Reason, launched when witnesses and complainants grew critical of the church and Police delays on the case.

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