(doesn’t look totally terrible but it does highlight how poorly planned the new set is, there should be at least half a dozen really good looking angles/shots but instead they are stuck doing stuff like this).
Would love to know what you consider a big news event if you don’t rank man landing on the moon for the first time and the assassination of a sitting US president as big news events. Did the news bulletins not have long enough openers those nights?
Does anyone know how I could find all 5 versions of the Seven News Special with each of the five different hosts/presenters from around the country. When I checked on Plus7 this morning, I could only access the 1 from my capital city/location Perth when I thought I would be able to see all 5 of them like I can with the Seven News’ themselves each day. This really disappointed me since I like some of the other presenters like Mark Ferguson and Peter Mitchell and it would be much appreciated if someone here could tell me how to find their versions of it. Thanks for your help.
I am first to criticise 7 and their use of pre-recorded lives but others are right. If the live super is up, it is live. Sure, they only have a certain number of live trucks, let’s say 3, then they have TVU backpacks, let’s say another 3 (at least), that is capability of 6 lives in a bulletin.
7 though are notoriously bad for doing pre-recorded lives where they put both the reporter and presenter in boxes but they DON’T put up the live bugs for these. They may not say it is live but it is misleading.
I guess it’s hard because neither of us where alive when it happened but think about how much pop culture still revolves around JFK being shot. 22/11/63, countless documentaries around anniversaries, the term ‘grassy knoll’ has become synonymous with mysterious events. In a worldwide context and from those who I speak to who were alive, it was a genuine world stopping event. Perhaps only the death of Diana has matched that impact since for the untimely death of a figure.
Nah, it was the lack of a long closer ;). Haha. Good one.
I just thought that top 10 list overall was a little weak. Like TV comes to Australia as number four? Just no.
I agree about September 11 being number one. It is without a doubt, unmatched in being the biggest event. Probably since the Second World War as far as I am concerned.
The Asian Tsunami (2004) should have also ranked in the top five. The sheer loss of life from and scale of that event, not to mention the pictures are again, almost unrivalled.
I also think for Australians, the Black Saturday Bushfires should have been in that list. Maybe at number 7. Whether you like it or not, that was our worst natural disaster with the highest death toll and has had far reaching implications around the country for bushfire risk, preparedness and response.
News by its nature is bad. Whether you like it or not, it’s the bad things, huge things out of the ordinary that impact our lives. I felt there were too many good news items in that list.
The only one I would have agreed with including was at number nine. I actually think the Sydney Olympics should have been number five.
If I had to make a top 10 list off the fly, it would resemble something similar to this -
September 11, 2001
Boxing Day tsunami
Port Arthur massacre
Whitlam dismissal
Sydney Olympics
Death of Princess Diana
Black Saturday bushfires
Disappearance of PM Harold Holt
Rudd/Gillard/Rudd years
Melbourne Olympics
I do not rate the moon landing at all. Nor do I rate the JFK assassination.
I think when you look at classifying an event you need to look at the wider implications… Some of them are obvious. Others not so much.
I just don’t regard anything to do with space or out of this world stuff as an achievement UNTIL we can feed all the humans on this planet first. The money that is wasted on this type of stuff is extraordinary. But anyway that’s another argument. @sammy123
For it’s time Cyclone Tracy was probably massive but I think it was super-seeded by larger events. And as I return to, my justification is that you have to judge not just the events themselves but the wider implications. @TVWest@TFTV
September 11, 2001 - Speaks for itself, the world has changed in so many ways because of this event
Boxing Day tsunami - an entire continent was impacted with about 200,000 deaths
Port Arthur massacre - lives lost and gun control debate and policy that followed
Whitlam dismissal - constitutional crisis that followed
Sydney Olympics - transformed a city and a nation
Death of Princess Diana - (only just qualifies) the outpouring of grief, questions for media and the royal family’s handling of it
Black Saturday bushfires - lives lost and changes that impacted the entire country
Disappearance of PM Harold Holt - a nation’s leader lost at sea
Rudd/Gillard/Rudd years - government in crisis, battle of personalities the likes of which hadn’t been seen in Australia before and particularly in a democracy such as ours
Melbourne Olympics - transformed a city and introduced a lot of Australians to world sport and television
I think Seven probably would’ve been better off doing a special (or a series of specials) looking back at 60 Years of News which doesn’t restrict itself to just ten events.
There have been so many major news events (from a local Sydney perspective, as well as the larger national/international picture) Australian TV has seen over the past six decades, I probably couldn’t decide on just 10.
Somehow with a show called 10 to 1 Countdown Our Greatest News Events, I was expecting a top 10, but because of a tie for number 6 they gave us a top 11 - shouldn’t 7th place have been omitted?
The biggest miss from my perspective as a TV viewer was the Kuwait invasion and Gulf War that followed. No matter what its ultimate significance to history, these events brought the first real rolling TV coverage seen in this country with all 5 networks pre-emeted for days with live coverage.