Seven AFL Coverage

I think Seven will use “After the Melbourne Cup” instead.

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Tonight’s telecast (Port Adelaide vs. Geelong) finished at 11:37pm.

Which is not only extremely late for a Saturday (usually finishes 11pm), but finished later than the telecast the night before (despite that game starting later)!

Difference was tonight’s game was slower, didn’t finish until around 10:30pm, on par with Friday nights.

Also, why Seven continually schedule 10:30pm finishes on Saturday nights is beyond me. Laughable


Slightly later start tonight, was it 7:40? Tuned in at 7:30 expecting it too have already began.


Yes, because of SA time zone (so it didn’t start there too early, 7:10pm).

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Latest promo aired for “Anzac games”, highlighting Tuesday night on 7mate (RICH vs. MELB) and Anzac Day clash (COLL vs. ESS) on Ch 7. It was done in a reverent tone, being the occasion it is, rather than the dramatic music and flashy graphics.

Also the V/O said “across the channels of Seven” (rather than “screens of Seven”), as Telstra have digital/streaming rights.


Jason Bennett called this afternoon’s game with BT. Hamish had the afternoon off.

Maybe Hamish will be calling either Tuesday night or Wednesday.


I think Bruce, Hamish, Sam and any production staff deserve a week or two off, after the Comm Games. Don’t you?

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Probably. I think Hamish still hosted Game Day.


Also delays in the game due to injuries and the stretcher being used


Are you going to contact Seven HR and put in a good word for them?


The Seven News people don’t like the delays due to injuries and the stretcher being used.

I dare say that they would prefer that the footy ran over 5 minutes than finished 10 minutes early giving people the chance to flick to Nine for the news. Remember when the Sunday afternoon game was on delay and was edited to finish at 5:59pm then straight to news?


Did that happen back in the 90s, when Seven did interstate double headers into Melbourne?

It was as recent as 2011. The old broadcast agreement (2007-2011) had a 2:10pm game on Sunday that Seven showed on a one-hour delay starting at about 3:00pm but the actual time delay was indeed timed down to the minute to finish at 5:59pm right before the news.


I thought Seven and Ten got one live, one delayed telecast per round then? No multi-channels.

Friday night on Seven: delayed for Better Homes and Gardens?

Saturday afternoon on Ten: usually delayed, with a local 6pm Ten News with George Donikian?

Saturday night on Ten: live?

Sunday afternoon on Seven: live?


2007-2011 at least in Victoria was mostly delayed.

Yes 7:40pm game delayed to 8:40pm.

Yes that’s how I recall it. George was doing Ten’s Adelaide news on weekdays (but actually from ATV Melbourne studios) so being Melbourne based already would come in on the weekend to do a special Ten local news just for Victoria/Tasmania.
Originally it was a massive 90 minute delay which took the game right up to the news at 6:00pm but I think in later years it was only a 60 minute delay and there was a 30 minute filler show (??) between 5:30pm and 6:00pm before the local news.

If the game was interstate it was usually live or if it was a sell out in Melbourne. Otherwise it was usually a 30 min delay. ie. 7:10pm game delayed to 7:40pm. Before the Game would usually run for a full hour (6:30-7:30) when the game was delayed. Shortened to 30 mins if the game was live.

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Nope. Which was a step down from Nine’s live 1.10 game from interstate or Geelong and a replay of the 2:10 Melbourne match.

The jig was up when Seven did an Adelaide match which began live, then became delayed after half time.


Don’t most 3.20pm games finish at 5:59pm right before the news?

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Seven would like that!

Depends on how long the quarters go for. Some this year have gone past 6pm.

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It will be worse for Seven when Cricket is on, Nine often delayed their news because the cricket went overtime

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