Rugby League

How so?

Whats the bet they dont cull the numbers from the corporates too

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Australian Rugby League Commission chairman Peter V’landys has told Nine News Sydney that this Sunday’s Grand Final could still be postponed, if no crowds are allowed.

Note: for some reason the video showed the Melbourne skyline instead of Brisbane.

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I handed mine back (and got a refund) I brought it hoping the storm make it but as they didn’t, i’,m happy to hand it back and let a bunnies or pathers fan go


According to Courier Mail: “The NRL grand final could return to Sydney’s ANZ Stadium on October 17 if officials are forced to postpone the game in Brisbane”.


Well, not gonna be needed (probably) anyway. No lockdown in Queensland (yet).

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Qld would be livid if this happens…


Two Sydney teams. Playing in Sydney. A celebration of the reopening. Sounds perfect to me. :pizza::beer::beer:

What an absolute shit show. Just move it to WA

They won’t let them in.

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Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said this morning that the NRL GF might still be affected depending on developments over the next two days.

"The head of tourism has been speaking with the NRL. But can I just make it very clear — if the (health) advice is to go into lockdown, we will go into lockdown. OK! So there’s no ifs and buts here, people. This is serious.

“So it’s going to depend whether we see any unlinked community transmission over the next 24-48 hours.”


Queensland Health Minister Yvette D’Ath said this morning that the NRL Grand Final would still go ahead on Sunday, and there would be pop-up vaccination clinics around Suncorp Stadium.

"There will be two locations, one at the north and one at the south entry. The northern side is open from 10.30 to 6:00pm, the Wally Lewis statue end — I’m sure everyone knows where that is — and the southern side is open from 4:00pm to 6:00pm, the Milton Road end.

“If you get a chance, pop along and get vaccinated before the game.”

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Queensland’s historic NRL grand final at Suncorp Stadium is all systems go.

News Corp can reveal the South Sydney-Penrith decider will go ahead as planned on Sunday night, ending three days of uncertainty over whether Queensland’s Covid scare would torpedo Suncorp’s maiden NRL grand final.

The revelation will come as an enormous relief to thousands of Queensland rugby league fans, government officials and NRL authorities, who feared the grand final would be postponed and relocated to Townsville.

Well-placed sources say the Queensland government will not order a snap lockdown on Sunday - clearing the path for 39,000 fans to attend the Penrith-Souths grand final for a Suncorp spectacular.


NRL Final to go ahead with 0 community cases.


Wasn’t the Grand Final go ahead already confirmed last night?


By “sources” to the Courier Mail.


Thanks, it’s good news regardless!

It’s a beautiful day here in NSW, the beer is already cold in the fridge, the annual bag of crisps are in the cupboard, it will be pizza for dinner, and a public holiday tomorrow to recover from it all! Shame about the lockdown, but oh well.

It should be a cracker of a game, and a tight close one, I’ll be surprised if it’s not. I don’t mind who wins really.

Engrossing first half so far… At Penrith up 8-6, it’s probably a fair reflection of the on field play… They have had the better field position, though a bit of Cody magic and some uncharacteristically average Panthers defence has kept Souths close behind.

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Penrith beat Souths 14-12 in the 2021 NRL Grand Final.


I really feel for Adam Reynolds, missing the conversion in the dying minutes and not leaving the Rabbitohs on a high-note. :disappointed_relieved:

I was hoping for a Rabbitohs win. As much as I don’t think highly of the Panthers (or the Cleary’s in particular), they were the better team in the end and deserved to win (as hard as it is for me to say that).