Regional Affiliation Swap 2021

and if and when WIN gets the Nine affiliation again, would that mean that Sky News on WIN be able to access Nine news reports that are currently used on the Foxtel main Sky News channel?


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(Murdoch’s disinformation channel may have a deal to be shown on WIN, but that’s got nothing to do with 10 or Nine.)


I think that SMH article is more of a ploy for Nine to extract more money from SCA. But either way, I am looking forward to the meltdown some of you are going to have if it doesn’t go your way. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah, strap yourselves in and feel the Gs. :wink:


I’ve heard that SCA have though extended their affiliate deal with Seven for 12 months - anyone able to confirm?

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SCA will try and get Nine down from the current 50% to 40%

Nine will push for the current 50% to stay

WIN will offer Nine 40% (up from the 35% they pay 10)

Nine will push WIN for 50%

SCA will counter offer 45% to Nine, and sign

Like musical chairs WIN will be left stuck with 10 and 10 will push WIN to up from 35% to 40%


How were ratings of both WIN News and the flagship 9/10 programmes affected when the affiliations switched?

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Sounds about right.


GOLD 2? Where is that on air?


Was broadcast from ~2013-2016, before briefly making way from Extra shortly before the affiliation swap.


I wonder whether the news service is a sticking point

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10 will surely be looking for more than 40%, their network has dramatically increased share and their owners aren’t known for being soft touches with affiliates. WIN would also be out of options if 9 remains with SCA so 10 could play hardball.

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Im not sure. I know the 35% win pays now was up on the 30% SCA paid. Yes, 10 is the only network to have grown in 2020

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I disagree with this part. SCA may want it a bit cheaper, but will be largely happy with the status quo given the alternative.

This is key. Nine got burned by the news part of the deal, evidenced by the lack of effort they out in and the cuts they made. Nine will want a deal without news (which they get from WIN) or an even higher cut for producing the news. That would likely be why negotiations have failed so far.

SCA need Nine to produce news. They can’t do it themselves without huge investment - with their only TV news being ileum out of Tasmania they don’t even have the facilities to go back to doing noodle updates for every market now - and more importantly they don’t want the hassle. But they also don’t want to pay more.

Nine on the other hand don’t want the current arrangement. They can produce it, but it costs a lot so they’re probably currently doing worse than the previous WIN deal once the costs of news come out - so they need a bigger cut if they’re going to fork out for news that’s not really their responsibility. They’d also be happy to completely drop news in exchange for a slightly lower cut.

My prediction: SCA have the most to lose because of the inconvenience of producing news. Ten have demonstrated their interest in news is low so they’re unlikely to agree to produce it if they were to do a deal with SCA - so SCA will end up agreeing to pay Nine a little more - maybe 55% - to continue their current setup.


Aren’t WIN and SCA screwed here anyway regardless of who they affiliate with?

Stan and possibly Paramount+ (and you could argue 9Now and 10Play) are just going to get bigger and bigger and take over more and more regional eyeballs cutting out WIN and SCA in terms of advertising and subscription revenue.

Nine and Ten want the affiliations due to the 35-50% revenue they bring from their regional partners but surely this will be less and less as each year brings.

WIN doesn’t seem to have any digital strategy apart from putting some local news stories on Facebook and Twitter. SCA seem to do OK promoting their radio but literally have no interest in TV.


Yes. Perhaps SCA should be offering to sell their Nine-affiliated stations to Nine and Nine should buy them.
If Nine don’t want to buy, which they don’t, that suggests they want to have their cake & eat it too.

The current arrangement seemed really good to Nine, but of course TV audiences & revenue are down.
Perhaps if they could ensure a struggling SCA wouldn’t (again?) be tempted to downplay the TV part of any radio-and-TV advertising sales, they would most likely renew?


That’s why Nine can’t justify a 50% share

Nine can justify whatever SCA or WIN is prepared to pay


there are legendary stories about creative accounting with WIN to keep affiliate fees away from NINE, none that i will mention here in fear of being sued. i don’t think NINE has a short memory, and im sure the former WIN staff that pepper the SCA staff lists now would be reminding the network of those tales. I cant see it happening and will be shocked if it does.