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She suffers from ‘spider blindness’.

I think we now need a GIF of someone cutting the Liverpool & Campbelltown local government areas out of the Sydney metropolitan area! :wink:

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Not Wollondilly as well?

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And Camden while we’re at it. :slight_smile:

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No, just a massive tarp over those two LGAs.

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This once again proves my theory that Germans love David Hasselhoff.

Something to have a laugh at on a Friday afternoon.

I got paid $100 to attend a focus group related to these proposed standards! They didn’t even bother discussing the pregnancy warning, only the proposed changes to standard drinks per week guidelines.


Does anyone else get to 8.20pm and you have dinner almost ready, but your a bottle of red deep and you just don’t really wanna eat? Mmm #melb #isolyfe

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You’ve drunk an entire bottle already? That ain’t good. :rofl:

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Yup. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Go and eat some dinner you alco. :stuck_out_tongue:


Who eats dinner at 8.20pm? That’s way too late for me. I’d be chewing my arm off by then. :joy:

I tend to eat between 6-6:30pm.


We usually do eat earlier. But we are moving houses (in the middle of all this) and so was a little late getting dinner started.

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Yep me too… usually 6.30 ish for me.

I eat between 7-8:30pm :sweat_smile:

9 - 10pm is normal for me! :open_mouth:

Between 6-7pm for me, unless I’ve conked out, then it’s whenever I wake up.

How European of you. :wink: Do you have a siesta in the arvo? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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