Random Thread

I thought he meant it is phonetically strange since it’s spelt like bone, cone, lone and tone but gone doesn’t sound like those. Then again neither does done but thats English all over. A bastardisation of many other languages. :stuck_out_tongue:

Does rhyme with scone though, at least in AUS.


I know… I am talking about how it phonetically incorrect.

The magic ‘e’ should make the ‘o’ say its name. so it should read /g/oa/n but reads /g/or/n just find it strange. But with that said it is the English language and is not the only one.

With took that is phonetically correct.

Then again, the "oo"sound is inconsistent in English when you compare took and room. :wink:

Obviously having a giggle there, a goof and gaff, if you will.

He meme’d us hard

The /oo/ sound can make a short and a long sound. As in room and took.

Yeah. I was just trying to show how inconsistent English can be and again it’s due to the influences of so many other languages. Other languages seem to have have hard and fast rules and stick to them but English is less bogged down and anything goes.

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English spelling is based on pronunciation from varying centuries with a bit of French weirdness thrown in. We actually used to pronounce the k in knife, knock etc.

Go speak German if you want a consistent spelling. They reform the spelling to suit pronunciation every now and then.

I want to learn a new language but wanted to learn Spanish.

My plan is to learn German and then Spanish. French looks stupid, Russian is hard af, and Chinese/Japanese would do my head in with a completely new writing system.

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funnily enough, Japanese and Chinese (mandarin) isn’t that hard to pick up on, Probably something to do with the replacement of characters to symbols or idk. It’s a fun language to learn, deffs try it haha

When was the last time the English language was reformed? I think it’s well overdue, considering people still use gaol.

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Never. We have literally never done that.

There was an attempt in the US, which led to centralize, stabilize and color and other little differences, but that was never finished and Commonwealth countries never bothered to adopt the reforms.

Tough, through, though, ought <- our spelling is amazingly confusing.


It is confusing but there is a phonetic rule about ough making an /oa/ sound or /or/ sound. I think if it ends in t it makes the or sound if ends in ough makes /oa/. Been a while since i taught it to my receptions.

Who is good at graphics and wants to do a opener for my youtube sports update video video https://youtu.be/zFSzKD_IJgY

Id take that as a no

You gave it two hours, during the middle of the day when a lot of members will be at work, school, uni etc. Not saying you’ll find someone that can help but give it a couple of days at least.


I’d gladly help, if I had the necessary skills. Unfortunately, I don’t.

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Can’t wait to see this show…