Random Thread

No, it was only streamed on Bruce Gordon’s TV in Bermuda.
Lucky he didn’t get his hands on the stream though, he probably would’ve thrown a big WIN watermark over it.


I’m currently undressed. You don’t need to see Little Capitain Cranky.


Some of the posts where done whilst shitposting elsewhere. If you know what I mean :wink: :rofl:

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Is he cranky too?

Oh wait… I don’t think I wanna know… too late…


Damn, US Deal or No Deal is dramatic…







A bit early to be starting your Gin & Tonic-fuelled shitposting, isn’t it @Salty?

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This is my favourite one i’ve seen recently.


With this gastric sleeve surgery I’ve had, I’ve found that I can’t have very sugary stuff anymore. No ice cream/milkshakes, no hot chocolate, no lollies…

Because the food passes straight through my stomach extremely quickly rather than being kept in a ‘holding pattern’ inside the stomach, I become extremely tired very soon after I eat something with high sugar content. It’s extremely unpleasant and seems to be a really effective mechanism to stop me from being naughty.

I don’t drink, but I’ve heard the same thing happens with alcohol. I’ve read studies you are affected about twice as fast with about double the peak blood alcohol content. I’ve seen studies which suggest that after drinking about 1.7 standard drinks (which is 1 150mL glass of red wine or 1 425mL schooner of full-strength beer), you hit 0.10 within 20 minutes. Sounds like a pretty good deal if you’re an alcoholic.


Gone are the days in which the principals care about students and wish to achieve their marks as well as prepare them with skills for the outside world. Our principal has expelled multiple non-ATAR senior students in order to boost the schools average atar and create the illusion of a school in which 95+% of students receive an ATAR. It is highly irresponsible to expel these students rather than gathering the cause of why they may be struggling with work. Why offer non-ATAR courses?

Nice to know the school I work at aren’t the only ones doing this… though it is so wrong.

At mine, towards the end of Term 4, any student in year 12 who won’t have met the requirements of achieving a QCE (QLD Certificate of Education) has their enrolment withdrawn. Leaving the kid with nothing to show for 12 years of schooling, and allowing the school to continue to claim “100% QCE attainment” every year.

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I agree, I was told by an Non-ATAR student that they were intimidated by the principal to leave just because they were struggling in the other subject but excelling in English as well as that was coming to school late in which the school knows about an issue related to that, They only have until trials to make the descion to either leave or receive a letter of expulsion? Surely there must been a loophole in the system.

In my school our principal cares so much about the school’s public image more than the students’ wellbeing. Every year during our first whole school assembly our principal would just brag and say that the school has an 100% SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education) achievement rate, which is nothing to be proud of since most schools here in Adelaide have a 100% SACE achievement rate, and whenever our school has a graduate who scores a full ATAR (99.95), the school would just go berserk and promote the shit out of the student, while others who also try hard but achieved slightly lower ATARs (e.g. 98) don’t even rate a mention. How f**ked up is that?

Oh, and our school is the only public school which offers the IB programme, and every time someone from the IBO in Geneva visits our school, our principal would just hold a huge ceremony and inflict restrictions within the school just so that the IBO is pleased with the school being classified as a ‘World Class School’.

Just my two cents regarding my school principal’s precious ‘public image’.

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I can tell you now - the system is stuffed. Making kids stay onto year 12, for some, is a huge mistake. Some need to be let go and told to get a trade.

I have argued time and time again for VET courses to be reintroduced at our school - we don’t offer any. I teach a subject which can only be referred to as glorified babysitting, and I hate it. There’s no trade certificate, no known pathway to a trade, no nothing. Any non-ATAR course should be a VET course by default - that is a true non-ATAR pathway. A non-ATAR pathway with no VET is a joke and shows just how lazy the principal and exec are.

We don’t dump any kids out to keep 100% ATARs achievement, but we do kick them out if they do not reach certain attendance levels, or if they are constantly in trouble. Some just need to be told to get a trade.

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Hopefully there are some Once fans on MS…

After rewatching the series finale of Once Upon a Time, I thought of an alternative way that the ending could play out.

I much prefer going to the local shops and doing it manually there. Almost no one knows about about these collection points, so there’s no line.

There’s not that many around here - at least not that they promote it. There’s one in walking distance to me but there’s no signage saying they do it, or at least do it properly.

I go to two - one at the sports club I play for, and one just up from the school where I teach. The one up from where I teach isn’t too bad, but I can’t do it on Sundays as they have a community market day every Sunday - typical inner western Sydney hipster crap, and they charge for parking.

Also, I found out that not all Woolworths accept the vouchers. Which is weird - they blamed it it on being a smaller supermarket and not having the equipment. That’s bullshit, as all they do is scan using their normal barcode scanner - the Woolies I go to do exactly that.