Random Thread

i was thinking about returning to school since i never got my V.C.E i did my differently . when i was in year 12 in 2002 i had a job to go when i graduated so all i had to get was s’s and n’s even this peeed off some of my teachers but after reading this i think i will change my mind

But would you do that at a run of the mill secondary school or a tafe which I’d imagine to be more supportive if adult education?

Don’t let a post on an internet forum put you off.

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I’ll echo what Frankie said.

There is nothing wrong with going back and getting your VCE, or HSC or whatever your state year 12 award is, as an adult. That is what education is all about - being willing to learn. Your local TAFE can put you in the right direction. :slight_smile:

I chose deny.



Chief Operating Officer?

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was that a joke?

So, I’m on holidays…

Thousands of kilometres away but it still feels like home :heart:



Anyone got any experience with the accuracy of the Optus coverage maps?

I’m moving house soon and recently put in an application for a place I really liked.
I’ve inspected the whole property once, and been back to look at it again and never even thought to consider the mobile reception. (House is in a brand new estate and new suburb well out of the city).

Checked the Optus coverage map tonight and it claims “Great” outdoor coverage for voice, text, email and internet, and “Great” indoor coverage for email and internet, but it says “None” for indoor coverage for voice and text.
Which I thought seemed really really odd!

As we don’t use landlines anymore, it’d be really inconvenient to have no voice or text coverage inside the house.

I used the Optus coverage maps to plan when I’d get mobile reception on the last road trip I did from Brisbane to Darwin, and it was pretty accurate for me. Maybe even a little conservative.

I then checked the coverage map for my address, and the indoor mobile/text coverage is rated as “good” rather than “great” as opposed to “great” across all fronts when outside. Having lived here for a couple of years though, there’s virtually no difference between calls and texts inside or outside. I’m not sure how you’d fully lose reception between outside and inside though…maybe it’s a glitch on the map?

@anyone who hates sunrise


Get stuffed.

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I had a problem with my food being stolen from the fridge.

Problem solved.

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Come up with a conversation Fergo and Mel would be having here. (not world cup related)


I’ll have a go at predicting Sydney’s 6pm bulletin presenter banter on Sunday night:

MM: “So Fergo, do you think the Blues will win?”
MF: “Yeaaah…maybe. Thanks Mel.”

Meanwhile on Nine…

CW: “…and our live, exclusive, free and HD coverage of Sydney’s Origin match here at ANZ Stadium starts right after the news. So Pete, do you think the Blues will win?”
PO: “Oh, the Blues will win for sure! Thanks Cam.”



More like

Fergo - Mel, why are we still the two?
Mel - Um…coz I try to talk with you and you keep cutting me off. Bit weird when you’re supposed to be a piece of talking cardboard.


MF: “Don’t blush baby”
MM: “I’m not blushing Mark. Not you too! Why does everyone think I’m blushing”

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