Random Thread

An explanation of accelerated flow.

I’m alive after my operation, which is nice.

When I came out of my operation on Monday afternoon I was in some real pain for around 10 hours or so. They gave me one of those pain button thingys which didn’t really seem to do anything with the pain except make me sleepy.

One of the things that annoyed me was one of the electrical plugs attached to my drip had a bloody wall wart transformer, so it couldn’t plug in all the way when I had to go to the loo and replug it. A nurse assured me that the flimsy, loose connection was still allowing the battery in the drip to charge, which seemed a tad unprofessional…

The second night in hospital was a lot better, but I still wasn’t really 100%. A bit of pain but readily ignored when I was sleeping for about 18 hours out of the whole day.

I’m taking granulated Nexium (very nice - tastes like applesauce!), Cherry Panamax syrup (tastes OK) and OxyNorm syrup (the good stuff - essentially oral morphine. Tastes rubbish though).

Now I’m restricted to drinking about 100mL of clear fluids an hour.

The whole time I was in the hospital I was so out of it that I couldn’t be bothered using my phone or my tablet (which I had expected to be using to entertain myself). Even at home it’s been a bit hard to concentrate on doing stuff on my phone. The hospital TV was pretty good, had all the free to air channels except somehow still had TV4ME listed on the EPG (I thought that had been nuked a year ago). I think the only time I seriously watched anything was when Seinfeld was on 7flix.


Great to hear! I did try and look last night to see if you’d been online, wasn’t sure how long the recovery was going to take. Hope you’re fully recovered and back to action soon and the results work out well for you!

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I’m giving this thread a miss, I’m sure I would have read all the content before in Ten’s Early Evening Woes and Network Ten post-CBS. :smiley:


Replicating CBS daytime on Ten is also a recurring theme even though it is continually argued Ten’s daytime is the least of their problems.

I wouldn’t recommend catching up on the last 200 comments in that topic until you’ve had a few stiff drinks, littlegezzybear!


That is completely the opposite to the situation - sports in a daytime schedule gets big ratings; Ten does well in daytime despite not having any sport. Both Seven and Nine have daytime schedules and some weeks Seven shows a daytime movie. Nine’s afternoon starts with Ellen. Also remember that the week’s daytime ratings include the weekend when sport always rates best.

What have I started! I may now have to avoid the Random Thread.

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Here’s something random for you…


That thumbnail :neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face:

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I want an award for crankiest user today, and of all time. Especially for what I had to put up with last night and this afternoon…


I’d love to see the old “Media Spy Awards” (which were an annual end of year thing on the old pre-Discourse forum until 2013, from memory) make a return at some point in the future. Surely I can’t be the only one? :slight_smile:


I agree. First award:

Biggest Fuck Up Of The Year: I nominate the Football Federation Australia and Dr. Andrew Laming. For existing.


Here’s a quick random certificate.


Apparantley I am now ‘fully licensed’


Congratulations to @ElCapitanCranky and @SamSamTV on their awards today.

There should have been a ceremony streamed live on Facebook or YouTube so that we could have had the pleasure of experiencing the joy and excitement of it all unfold.

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Certainly you win the award for shitposting. :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :smirk:

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Thank you.

Needs to be spaced out. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I tried tuning in on 7plus but I think I must have been in the wrong region.