I’ve found the Iheartradio app to be generally good - but I certainly miss having a phone with an FM receiver in it…
But it only features their own radio stations, right? Not the ones I want to listen to.
Yeah it’s a limited subset, it’s got the ABC/ARN/Ace/Macquarie stations on there at least - but there’s an okay selection of non-Australian stations which supplements those well imo.
Unfortunately these are mostly the worst stations in my opinion.
I’ve just tried downloading a few other streaming apps like Simple Radio. Seems like they all have the native ads applied so it’s Nova that’s punishing it’s listeners.
Seems KIIS is doing it too now. This is going to kill listening to radio through streaming apps.
You can mostly point the finger at trams and trains here, which are fairly effective Faraday cages, even where 4G signals are concerned. Things improve once outdoors in most suburban areas.
I agree that some stations have inadequate bandwidth and frequent stutterbuffering is inevitable in such cases; 2XL is one offender. A streaming app can only be as good as its source URLs- it’s mostly the sources themselves that are letting the side down.
Yeah I switch to iHeart at about 3pm at work once the Absolute Radio breakfast show comes on. I listen mainly to KOST from LA but also KLOU from St Louis. I personally don’t find it as reliable as the Absolute app and find it crashes at least once a day in the roughly 2 hours I listen. I just don’t find that a good experience but it’s still better than listening to the local mainstream FM stations
I listen to ‘The Sound’ from NZ both on their ‘Rova’ app and on my work computer and never crashes.
Nova is also pushing a lot of ads on their podcasts now.
It’s happening at Acast’s end. I listen to a few UK podcasts that use Acast and there’s now a block of one or two ads in the middle of the episode, in addition to one before and after.
I’m not sure how much discretion that the publisher/uploader has here - I’ve heard ads cut in mid-sentence in some cases, other times it’s handled much more smoothly.
Yes. You’d think they’d insert the ads at the end of a segment.
Looks like the native adverts for Nova are off streaming apps again. Since June they have been on, off, on, off. Why are they playing these games?
I’ve heard from somebody at Nova they are having issues with their streaming provider (who are the ones inserting these adds).
Apparent the adds should always be there, but the issue of adds replaying when the connection dropped out is what they’ve been working on (among other issues).
The adds are also location dependent. So a user in Sydney might get an add, and somebody in Brisbane might not get any.
Why do they even need to have ads in live streaming anyway, when the station is full of ads already? I can understand them inserting ads in podcasts but not streaming live radio.
It certainly goes against what CRA were claiming against the royalty bodies that online is no different to broadcast. Insert pre-roll commrecials, you’ve altered the broadcast, you’ve created an online stream that is different to broadcast. CRA’s position (as with many other topics before) crashes in a burning heap.
What a surprise, Lachie and Cath on the cheap? Who isn’t surprised of this?
The penny pinching has reached ridiculous levels when fundamental engineering like streaming is unreliable. Lucky they don’t have any AM sites for the mast to fail. 5AA? Never mind, it can have the One Tel ‘treatment’.
Is Nova up to Bruce Gordon’s level of penny pinching requiring staff to pay for printing of their business cards?
Do people still use business cards?
Bosses from the older generation still do, my boss had me design some recently
This could be posted anywhere, but based on my user name, I thought I should post it here
From tonight’s ABC NSW News, this graphic suggests that radio hasn’t been impacted by music streaming (not just Spotify etc but Bluetooth audio in car etc).
It is surprisingly more more popular than it was 5 years ago.
Talk radio.
Newspaper and mags are not b’cast mediums and can’t be compared, distorts the data.
Though talk radio only accounts for 30% of the audience in the most recent ratings…(Sydney, other markets are probably less again).
True; print media are typically consumed quickly, during idle moments. Radio does well here because of its value as a background medium.
I saw that tidbit on ABC News last night and thought it was a dead cert to be mentioned on here.