Random Radio

I quite like listening to Radio 2. Its a shame we just don’t have anything like it here in Australia. An Australian version of Jeremy Vine’s show would be… interesting. Would be very refreshing to hear a host without screaming their opinions all the time.

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Yes Jeremy Vine is excellent.

I’ve given up on Australian radio pretty much. I’m just thankful I can access BBC Radio 2, Absolute, Caroline and even Virgin radio.

But Australia really should have a Radio 2 equivalent. I often think this is something the ABC should be offering but at the same time I honestly don’t think they could pull it off. They would make it too intellectual and use a Double J playlist. They just wouldn’t get the mix of mainstream and adult alternative right, or play selected mainstream new music. Radio 2 is everything from ABBA to Queen but also The Weeknd and Harry Styles.

If the ABC tried it, it would also sound like it came from Ultimo. BBC Radio 2 is the whole of UK. The OJ Borg show comes from Manchester for example.

Yeah Zoe is good.

Vanessa just tries too hard to be happy and upbeat at 5AM :smiley:

The early breakfast show on Magic London with Paul Hayes sounds better to me. He’s a bit more low key and calming. The music is more mainstream of course. He’s on before Ronan Keating at breakfast. I find Ronan occasionally amusing but at times a bit grating and full of himself.

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Wow, never knew there was a World Radio Day!

Happy World Radio Day for tomorrow and Sunday everyone!

If MediaSpy was the Federal Government, they would be gazetted as Public Holidays.


They’d probably only gazette World TV Day. Us radio only forumers are a minority.


True, even TV News Relaunch day (ANY network) or New TV network Logo day would get priority.

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Many radio people stress the importance of “being local”. And there is a valid argument to the concept but great networked shows perform strongly too.

But “being” local and “sounding” local are two very different things. Just because an announcer broadcasts from the same city they broadcast to doesn’t always mean they “sound” local.


I’ve got BBC Radio 2 locked into one of my favourites with my bose soundtouch. Great selection of music when I need to pull computer equipment out during a storm. During the morning their time, they have some fun quiz games and the announcers do know what they’re talking about, so much above the bogan rubbish of Australian radio. If I hadn’t completely digitised all my CDs and records into my own playout software, I’d have BBC radio 2 on for most of my radio and music listening.


I completely agree. BBC R2 is my most listened to station. Listen every day at work.

It makes listening to Australian radio (particularly mainstream FM) unbearable.

Why can’t ABC step up and provide something like Radio 2? Although as I’ve mentioned on here I doubt they could pull it off.


Can’t imagine the commercial sector would react well to some middle-of-road competition.


No I’m sure they wouldn’t but who cares?

They have to deal with Triple J and ABC Local so what’s the difference?

ABC compete in the youth and talk markets so why not middle of the road.

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Yep, BBC Radio 2 is a fantastic station - It makes up most of my radio listening when I’m at home. It’s not usually my kind of music but the hosts are great to listen to and I actually find I don’t mind most of the playlist because you just don’t hear it over & over.

The ABC absolutely needs to do something like this. Admittedly their whole radio offerings need a rethink. As has been mentioned in here already, the ABC will struggle to pull it off as well as the BBC - they just feel to inner-city (almost snobbish depending on who you ask) & are scared to do anything remotely mainstream. They absolutely could pull it off well - I just doubt they would if they ever do, which they almost certainly will not.

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SCA has installed new broadcast desks in Perth for Triple M and Mix 94.5. This is radio’s equivalent of when a TV bulletin gets a new set.


I agree with all your comments.

The thing I love about BBC radio is it’s accessibility. It feels mainstream and broad, and not inner city. BBC TV is another story, especially the news services which have come under a lot of criticism of late - much of which is deserved IMO.

Regarding the music on Radio 2 yes it’s drifting away from what I would normally consider my taste but I’m finding it still works for me. A lot of the newer stuff they play is growing on me.

I do despair a bit about ABC radio. I think there’s a place for RN for sure and I listen quite often. But they also need a broader appeal music focused station. Double J is a huge mistake IMO. A missed opportunity to fill this gap.


I would’ve thought an imaging change (new sound to the Promos, IDs, sweepers, beds, etc.) is the radio equivalent of a TV bulletin/program getting a new set.

While a new broadcast desk is no doubt exciting for those in the studio, any changes to the on-air sound are probably subtle at best to most listeners?


Yeah, exactly. It’s very inclusive but without trying too hard either. Something I just don’t know whether the ABC can pull off at the moment. ABC’s TV stations are much better than radio at this.

Same here. I would normally prefer the 70s/80s but I actually don’t mind a lot of the stuff they play. I’m sure part of this comes from just not hearing a lot of their playlist anywhere else or being highly repetitive. The personality & “real radio” cancels out the occasional song I can’t really stand, and as a radio programmer I can appreciate that those songs sound really good in their format.

Same here, I get most of my ‘New Music Saturdays’ inspiration from listening to them. There’s a few on their ‘New Music Playlist’ at the moment that have slowly grown on me the more I’ve heard them.

Stations like Classic, NewsRadio & to a lesser extent RN just feel far too niche & targeted to be taking up their spectrum. News in particular feels a bit redundant these days. Also agree re Double J, though I can’t even comment since I never listen to Double J - which just highlights the problem.


I was meaning internally. Still radio stations can share their new look via their social media. A few of the stations had gags about their new equipment was not firing up this morning.

You might enjoy WLNG from Long Island . Personality radio with an oldies format. The only downside compared to BBC Radio 2 is the advertising, but even that has its charm as it’s all local.

I’ll mention Radio Caroline yet again as that has an album rock focus, heavy on classic rock but features plenty of new music as well. There’s a penchant for playing newer releases from ‘classic’ artists, too.

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