looks great as do all the others. would be great if Ch9 would actually do something like this.
A few months ago I was thinking of something like this, but without the dots.
oh… I thought this was the actual Seven News Content and Appearance thread…
I literally said “Wow!” out loud, looks great!
That looks amazing!
Yes yes yes
I can take that as a compliment I guess, that you would Love to see that on 7!
I love it!
I thought my suspicions of a potential refresh to coincide with the Tokyo Olympics were true, and someone pressed a switch in the control room too early
Yes, definitely! It’s very clean.
Well, it was inspired by this graphic which has been seen on 7news Melbourne, so hopefully it is the start of something!
‘Gotta Love It’ on 7
Simplicity and not in your face. Very nice.
Colours and proportions are good, but there are too many angles at different degrees. They need to be the same I reckon
I would prefer the proportions flipped. Two thirds of the image featuring the photo of Sydney Harbour and only one third with 7 News.
Great job Travis, I really like that.
My one recommendation though would be to have the number seven on the red background alongside the word ‘news,’ as opposed to having the number seven on the image of the harbour.
But overall I really like it, good job!
I like it. Well done.