I love the 2TM and 8DN logos for representing smaller regional stations with a local feeling. The 2TM logo screams Tamworth.
It seems to be that the most common tie in to make a logo local is the natural environment and the ocean - 4GG and 2WL
Melbourne’s iconic 3KZ logo may be the only one that ever tied local public transport into a radio station, although trams are so Melbourne. More Melbourne than Kyle and Jackie O anyway.
The Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge are the winner for most commonly used symbol in a logo - 2GB, 2SM and 2CH have all made reference at some point.
Even station names can reflect a location. Wellington NZ had “Radio Windy” in the 1970s and 1980s (a reference to Wellington’s notoriously windy days, of which I have personally experienced) and in the 90’s they had an FM station called “The Quake”, taking the mickey out of the fact that the city does get the shakes every now and then.
I think Christchurch had a station called Shake 96.1 in the early 90s, possibly for the same reason, though that has a vaguer connotation to the seismic activity.
That’s why I thought the station building (2MW/Radio 97 AM)in Greenway Drive ,Tweed Heads South is deserted as there’s no longer any logo on that building ,I remember when there still was,probably when my parents first moved not far from there 23 years ago.
Most became Radio West and I think a lot took programming out of Bunbury early on as many were only servicing small towns, like Katanning and Bridgetown.
I think 6KG Kalgoorlie was the last one to fall under the Radio West banner, that was in 1995.