Radio History

Word has it they had to tone down some of the strobing because of epilepsy.


They used similar music in 1988 to advertise Triple M in Melbourne when EON FM 92.3 moved to 105.1 and became Triple M. Thankfully they didnā€™t keep the strobing.


The ā€˜Triple Your Musicā€™ version of the ad, now with less strobing.

YouTube: Shadow Archive


This one from Melbourne, not sure what year, probably 1989 or late 1988.


Today marks 50 years since Cyclone Wanda crossed the Queensland coast near Maryborough and caused catastrophic flooding in the Brisbane River. That put 4IP off air from its transmitter site near the Bremer River.


On January 11 2011 there was heavy rainfall in the Brisbane area that lead to the biggest floods since 1974. Luckily we were in the Gold Coast on holiday from Melbourne.

On that day, River 949 was off the air for some time but was back on the air the next day, if not that evening, canā€™t quite remember.

That Thursday morning when the floodwaters were in Brisbane, I remember listening to ABC Brisbane. They would say something like ā€œIf we go off the air, you can listen to ABC on FM.ā€ Then they would interview someone over the phone, say something, and thereā€™d be no reply because the phone line went down. However, they could still cross over to the news bulletin.


I think that was the time they made provision to switch to 106.1 FM if Bald Hills flooded. IIRC on the Darling Downs 4QS local radio was simulcast over RN 105.7 FM


Spotted this from Darling Harbour.

Must be early 1980s, as it has 1017 faintly underneath. Or that could have been added in after 1978


There was also a mural on the side of the building with kookaburras and ā€˜Radio 2KYā€™- not sure if thatā€™s still there. It was a landmark on my visits to Darling Harbour as a kid.

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I vaguely recall that one too, didnā€™t see any others anywhere today.

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@TV-Expert no doubt has the following on speed dial, but it might be news to some of you.

You can access the former Australian Broadcasting Tribunal (ABT) Annual Reports here:

From 1976/77 until its dissolution in 1992.

The former Australian Broadcasting Authority (ABA) published ABA Update between 1992 and 2005:

Some ACMA publications are also available (2005-2011):


Frank, Iā€™m sorry to hear about your recent losses, I donā€™t know what to say to such a devastating event.

Iā€™m at a bit of a loss my selff, as I donā€™t want to come across as insensitive, as your family is more important then anything else and above.

Maybe when the time is right, and ā€œifā€ youā€™re up to it at a later time, I could get a hard-drive copy of all the raw uncompressed material off you, and we could carry on the site. This is not in anyway to steal your thunder, but I think your site has left a legacy unmatched by any other radio history site.

My friend and I were discussing it and would love to carry the legacy of franksterā€™s archive on. But again, I canā€™t emphasise, this is something you have to be comfortable with, and we donā€™t want you in anyway to feel forced or compelled to do anything.

We can host the website and all the audio with it, and youā€™ll wonā€™t have to worry no longer about the financial and technical maintenances of such a site, weā€™d love to do it as part of contributing back to something thatā€™s great.

If there is any light, it seems most , if not all your past blog sites are up on, including most of the mp3 bites, the archive site itself though is as sluggish as all hell, but itā€™s all there.


There is a lot of politics involved in looking at why the US. never allowed high power AM stations at all.

By the late 1920s, it was possible for AM stations to exceed the earlier limits of 5 to 10 kw, with over 100 kw very much possible.

But in those late '20s under the FRC and in the early '30s under the new FCC, politicians were very afraid that high power radio stations would have even more influence over broader areas than big city newspapers. A station with coverage of many states was frightening to them!

So, the FCC was pressured to ā€œkeep radio localā€ by only allowing a few ā€œclear channelsā€ and restricting most stations to regional status with 5 kw tops and local status at 250 watts.

WLW got an experimental 500 kw license. No other high power station was authorized, and by the end of the '30s WLW was pushed back to a low 50 kw.

Politicians disguised their fear of monster radio stations by saying that radio should be local. In fact, they wanted to avoid too many ā€œbigā€ regional stations that could wield great strength in news coverage and opinion.

The result is that, today, in the top 100 markets there are less than 190 stations that cover well at least 80% of their market area day and night. A few markets have five or six, others have none at all!


Is there any way to recover the old Jingle Shrine from the archives? This had so many old radio station jingles that now appear to be lost.


Mate, check your PM box.

Napster gave away virtually every song in existence thus raising the flag to the copyright holders that they needed to force those sharing digital versions to pay.

It was that flagrant disregard for copyright law that made the RIAA (and others) come down harder on digital so it would not happen again.

I agree that those who own the copyrights deserve compensation for their work. My disagreements are:

  1. The same rules should apply to traditional broadcast as digital.
  2. Those who arenā€™t paying ā€“ and there are hundreds ā€“ should get hit hard with fines.

Hi mate,

Itā€™s just been one thing after another the last year. Since my sister passed away I had to leave the property I was in because I could no longer afford the rent on it, and Iā€™m sad that I had to, so many memories in that place. Iā€™m now stuck in a boarding house through not being able to afford another private rental yet and Iā€™m trying to save enough for a bond to get out of here. Iā€™ve got a gofundme setup for anyone that can help me get to goal. My entire story is on this gofundme and because of my medical conditions including ulcerative colitis, I canā€™t make this my permanent home. A few people in this house are fine but the others are scaryā€¦and I donā€™t smoke, I donā€™t drink purely because of the ulcerative colitis, but every day I have to smell cigarette smoke and the like. Iā€™m 50 now and thereā€™s still time to turn my life around and I plan to do that from tomorrowā€¦just go all out so Iā€™m not stuck here forever. My intention was always to use this as a bridge to something better but every morning I have to play a lottery and see which one of the toilets is gonna be freeā€¦honestly, if all three are taken up when i have to go, with colitis you canā€™t wait. Iā€™m gonna be in serious trouble one day.

If you or anyone here can help me it would be wonderful - I really need my own toilet/bathroom facilities for a start, not shared.

The site stuff Iā€™ll sort out later when Iā€™m in better accommodation.


In the age of generic station branding (Hit, Triple M, Nova, KIIS etc), we lose logos that used to tie in with the city or town the station broadcast in.

Some of my favourites are below. Can anyone think of some others?





If waves are iconic enough in that respect, hereā€™s the 2WL one

And a tropical looking 8DN logo


I thought there was a 2TM logo with a country music guitar in it at some point, but couldnā€™t find one