Radio Data System (RDS)

I got a lift home from an NRL Grand Final Party last night in a friends late model Subaru XV.

It had a large touchscreen display with RDS, but the list of stations they had presetted was interesting

104.1 FM
106.5 FM

This was a local car (Newcastle), all stations being commercial, no Central Coast stations and no station names for KIIS or 2DAY… quite interesting I thought.

I was in the car with other people and a belly full of beer (mine that is), so I wasn’t game to ask questions about their presets :sunglasses:

I’m quite happy with 1 and 2 there thanks very much - hope you heard me paneling last night - 20 minutes of Macklemore on KOFM (fully branded with our sweepers) - sounded shit hot!


Sorry, no I didn’t … the volume was turned right down!!

It was around 10pm, were you still panelling then?

yep - 6 til 11.


Further to my previous posts about Gold FM’s rebrand on the Gold Coast, they’ve now updated their station name RDS to reflect this. It now reads as ‘Gold 925’. The sister station remains unchanged as ‘SEA-FM’ (both in name and RDS)


What was it before?

Similar to the sister station, it just read ‘GOLD-FM’

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Getting EAGLE FM with RDS tonight.

Station name is static on both lines… no song info or anything else


And this is what the slightest bit of cochannelling does to RDS (in this case, thanks to 2CHR Cessnock). Even though the audio is clear, still can’t get Song info clearly

Finally, from the Bizarre RDS files…

When Rhema Central Coast is usually pretty strong here (better than 2CHR) and Power FM is weaker than Wave FM … this happens…


The “Station Name” RDS on Smooth 95.3 has gone AWOL for the last 24 hours.

See above for where the station name should appear next to the frequency, as below it’s just blank.


100.7 Triple M Port Macquarie now has Song and Artist working.

For some reason, this was previously only being displayed on their 106.7 Kempsey transmitter for some reason.

With the new ACE ownership, 102.1 Wangaratta & 102.5 Deniliquin have updated their RDS (still just static text, no song info).

Where Real Music Lives

Part of the ACE Radio Network


Real music no longer lives on the Edge?

Wang is sandwiched by Albury and Shep.

Deni is sandwiched by Shep, Bendigo and Swan Hill.

Will the ‘brains’ at ACE realise that a point of difference is required to hold any audience of a sizeable amount?


Received this on the car radio yesterday

BT67 - is in the place of the station name and the second line is usually the song/artist info.


looks like someone is using one of these:

The Breeze has had to adjust their AF RDS.
A note from their Facebook page:

Breeze 92.1 Logan: If your radio displays BREEZE92 and you’ve lost all reception in the last week only (where it used to be good), and you’ve got us stored in a memory preset button, then there is an easy fix:
Please scan/search your radio down to 92.1, wait a minute, then freshly re-store the station to your preset button.
This issue affected a small percentage of radios. We made a change to prevent whats been reported as an ‘annoying CD skipping’ effect that can occur when some RDS radios constantly auto tune between 92.1 & 100.6 where both can be received.
If you commute between Logan and Gold Coast Region, please create separate presets for 92.1 & 100.6

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Looks like the southern Brisbane pirate is now running RDS.

I’ve noticed this morning that C91.3 has their RDS switched back on, displaying as “C91.3 FM”, with RadioText simply displaying the station name.

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Yes, got C91 3 well enough this afternoon to get RDS and noticed station name is on the 2nd line of text as well, but without the space

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