Radio Data System (RDS)

Yes. :+1: I had the initial garbled PS characters a couple of weeks ago that was earlier reported when I took this screenshot of the 2GF 89.5 RDS with SDR Touch. About an hour or two later the tech corrected the PS issue (but I donā€™t have a later pic) & I recall PS displayed as you indicated above.

Hereā€™s the earlier 2GF RDS snapshot.

I also noted another RT message as:
Serving the Clarence Valley for 80 years

In other RDS station news hereā€™s a RDS snapshot of 101.5 2GLA - Great Lakes FM.

Note the PI code! This would have to be the weirdest PI code Iā€™ve discovered to date.
Should be a complete 4 digit HEX code.
Iā€™m not sure if ASCII ā€˜spaceā€™ or ā€˜nullā€™ or other characters are used preceding or after the 2B characters or one either side of the 2B HEX characters?
Eg. 2B__, __2B etc ??

@RFBurns can you receive Great Lakes FM at your home with RDS? Iā€™d be interested to see what your RDS software displays as the PI code or if anyone uses RDS Spy software up that way.

Pondering if this odd PI code causes any tuners not to display the RDS data of Great Lakes FM?


Cheers. Iā€™d say Mix and Triple M Perth would be the same. I have to ask - what is iTunes tagging? And what radios display it?

RE: CT, Hit95.7 Bunbury now accurate with correct UTC+8 offset. I shall make some enquiries in the new year.

Wave Mandurah uses PI a1. Displays as 00A1 in RDS Spy, a1 in SDRTouch. And yes, at least 1 of my radio wonā€™t display and RDS.


No, I have hills very close to me to the North & North West of me, Iā€™m actually at the foot of those hills, so I canā€™t really get anything well in those directions, I have a lot of difficulty getting any of the Mt Sugarloaf FMā€™s at my place. FM radio inside my house is almost non-existent on any radio, close the garage door & even the car has difficulty receiving any FM signals from the North/North West.
The Super Radio Network wouldā€™ve been better putting a NEW FM translator at Belmont North instead of a 2HD one, I have no problem with AM from any direction, I only get FMā€™s reasonably well from the South.

I do have the mobile FM monitoring equipment from work with me, so if I get the chance over the Christmas break I could head in towards Newcastle & give it a try, canā€™t make any promises though.


@RFBurns Thanks for offering the possibility of checking. :slight_smile: However based on the very helpful feedback from @Informer Iā€™ll enter the PI code as 002B unless info to the contrary arises later. Will probably drop a message to the station next year requesting a PI change. Maybe a RDS update after a PI change would be a better use of your valuable time. Have a great xmas. Cheers.

I confess I donā€™t have a iPhone or use iTunes so I canā€™t answer this question properly. I assume itā€™s something like RDS RT+ for Apple phones or vehicles with apple software. I might be wrong but maybe it was @TheChase or someone else (sorry I canā€™t exactly recall) that initially mentioned in this thread that Triple/2Day had implemented iTunes or Artist/Title info via RDS in Sydney (not too long ago) & it was displaying on their phones/vehicle. Hopefully @TheChase or another Sydney tech savvy user with an Apple Phone in their RDS equipt vehicle can answer this question better :slight_smile:

Excellent :+1:
I intend to followup with a few more localised stations when more time allows early in the new year too.


I flagged Bunbury with my team and had it fixed.

Re iTunes taggingā€¦ itā€™s basically RT+
There was an iPod Nano that had an FM tuner in it, which would display the title and artist in a ā€œMP3 styleā€ when that was turned on rather than scrolling title - artist.


I remember that. It was the one with the Camera on it and it still had the clickwheel. The iPod Nano 5th Generation.


Hereā€™s the latest RDS update for 97.5 2HD Port Stephens.

I think it was sometime ago that @Radiohead mentioned he could now receive the RDS in a vehicle after a presumed change of PI code.
I can now confirm that their PI code has been changed from previously troublesome 0000 code to 2315.
PTY changed from none to Varied Speech.
There might also be a PTYN. Can anyone confirm this?

I didnā€™t see any Dynamic PS with song info. Was just static with constant RT of:
Richard & Kim for Breakfast & John Laws from 9am Mon-Frid

Iā€™ve updated our RDS List.
Trust this update helps someone.

BTW as a type this 97.5 2HD is being received weakly via tropo dx. Mixing with ABC Classic - Bathurst, which is a rare catch.


Hereā€™s the latest RDS update for 93.5 Eagle FM Goulburn.

Thereā€™s been a few RDS changes noted to above, probably around the time 2GN converted to FM. Oh & @Ant5476 the RDS subcarrier level has been lowered, which would explain your earlier noted RDS decode difficulties, re dx thread.
No AF for Crookwell.

In vehicle earlier this morning during travel & for a brief moment caught 107.7 GNFMā€™s PS until dominant Triple M Central Coast overwrote the RDS.
I was surprised to briefly hear 89.5 ABC Classic Goulburn during the intense tropo lift.
No hope (if youā€™ll pardon the pun) of hearing hearing RAM FM 103.3 adjacent to Hope 103.2, I was a bit sheepish on the possibility in any case. :roll_eyes: :person_facepalming:

This morning I noted 104.3 Power FM Batemans Bay had corrected itā€™s PS from Power FM to: ā€˜Power-FMā€™ in line with their other Bega regional Power FM outlets.

2ST 102.9 & 91.7 have accurate CT.
Have deleted the now obsolete AFā€™s of 102.9 (previously included 91.7 & 106.7) from our RDS Google List. They share different PIā€™s in any case. 102.9 must still have its own morning program Iā€™m guessing to account for the different PI codes.


Hereā€™s the latest RDS update for 102.3 ABC Classic - Canberra

The changes to its RDS is part of the current Illawara RDS AF testing process.
Examples of the changes: PTY, RT, RDS sub carrier level increase etc.

Also noted this morning that Koori Radio has PTY of: Culture.
Probably been this way for months & I failed to notice.
Am noticing return of audio problems on Koori Radio (FM & DAB+).
Low level mix of Koori Radio & 4AAA
I wish Koori Radio would get its technical issues sortedā€¦ :face_with_thermometer: :face_with_head_bandage:


Is that CLASSIC station name now fixed rather than Dynamic (ABC / Classic / FM) as it was previously?

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Noticed ABC Canberra (Captains Flat) on 88.5 had a PI code of ā€˜FFFFā€™.


Yes it is now static :slight_smile:. Forgot to mention that.
Whether PS changes back to dynamic at the end of the test period is anyoneā€™s guess. :man_shrugging:

Good to know. That PI code will cause RDS decode issues for some vehicle tuners & should be changed.


Letā€™s hope it stays that way!

I hate Dynamic PS text with a passion.


Yes Koori have had a PTY of Culture for months, I thought you were part of the discussion about it here? It was done around the time of daylight savings starting & was also found the CT had to be a manual change from EST to EDST & back, so I turned it off.

Iā€™m not sure how Koori can be getting a low level mix of both stations, wonder what theyā€™re doing at the studio to get that?


Yes I was. I recall some changes made by yourself, either it I missed the PTY change or I failed to update it on our RDS List. Anyway Iā€™ve now corrected the list. :slight_smile:

:man_shrugging: When they usually have this problem, the audio level is extremely low level but both stations heard at equal level. Today both stations still at equal level, but much higher level than usual with this fault. It was immediately obvious on the SDR spectrum & waterfall display this morning. Iā€™m curious enough to pay the station a visit to see whatā€™s going on, but priorities elsewhere at the moment.


I called the tech at Koori a while back about this, I believe itā€™s when the presenter on air doesnā€™t fade down the NIRS after the news has played, so it continues through out the hour.

I popped past the studios of Koori to offer my services, and they said they will get back to me, I havenā€™t heard anything yet but.

I also did pop into FBi Radio but they said they have the Tech side of things (including RDS) in handā€¦.


Tech data recieved from SBS Adelaide 106.3. Similar to other capital cities -
PS - SBSRadio
PI - 5063
RT - SBS: Speaking over 60 languages
Go to for your guide
Groups - 0A 2A and 10A

Canā€™t confirm if time and date is sent.

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Good to know. I also suspect they might have an old type of analogue control panel with slider/faders that even at their lowest setting still have a tiny bit of ohmic resistance, such that a tiny voltage (audio signal) gets to be sent out to the transmitter, that would explain the equal & very low level audio from Koori & NIRS/4AAA being heard at zero fader level setting.

Good that you offered. Thatā€™s all you can do.
I think another part of Kooriā€™s problems is the ā€œon airā€ monitoring of the station with the frequent amount of times thereā€™s audio problems & the time it takes to correct their problems.

Again great you offered. Iā€™m surprised they said they have the tech (RDS) issues in hand when annoying fault for me has been ongoing for quite a while. I guess if they werenā€™t willing to be specific about the issue itā€™s difficult to be judgmental of FBi. I wonder if their tech knows you offered to assist them? Anywayā€¦ :man_shrugging: we can only try or offer.


Breakfast, and the ads are the only things different on 102.9 2ST Highlands, and 91.7 / 106.7 Shoalhaven.

You can tell they are using something like Zetta as when during normal shared programming 102.9 can be a song ahead or behind 91.7 so it is not a direct off air feed from 91.7 to 102.9 outside of Breakfast.


RDS update from Geraldton WA (booming signal into Bunbury this afternoon).

Hit96.5 sending groups 0A, 2A 10A and 4A (no 3A or 11A any more). And only sending 1 RT message - Get that Summer Fellinā€™.

Static RT message same over on Triple M 98.1 - Itā€™s a Triple M Summer. No weather / just played messages.