Yeah I think they could up the prize a bit given how harsh it is compared to other reality shows. You have people win that amount on 30 minute gameshows.
I really hope they can get onto another season of this at some point. I’m guessing some pathways that they probably had planned for the future were potentially Mexico to the top of Canada, or they could even do Europe to the bottom of Africa or something. It’s probably a good year off doing any of those though.
Yes, the celeb version was due to start as Covid hit. Think two ore of the normal one had been commissioned - personally I’d rather they didn’t bother with the celeb version but it’ll probably do rather well when it happens, and at the moment as celeb contestants are employed by such shows it may be easier to get off the ground than the civilian version, but realistically isn’t going to happen this year now.
Best bet might be North America, though losing the language barrier makes it so much easier.
Same and I have been a fan of the Amazing Race for years, but this show is has grown on me and I really enjoy the way it’s structured and how down to earth it is.
My first Europe trip I did long stints of travel across Europe without flights but that’s really it. I like the concept its just that it is too time consuming. These days if I’m overseas I want to jam as much in as possible so flights are necessary.
I reckon with the celeb version they might have been planning it with the Mexico-Canada path as it would be a lot easier, mostly English speaking and probably a shorter season.
The BBC has renewed Race Across the World for a third series. Five pairs of intrepid travellers will race across Canada, from Vancouver to St John’s in Newfoundland.
I just saw this and glad to see that it’s back. Looking forward to watching this season - it’s defiitely one of my fave reality shows. This one will be very different to the others.
Just finished up here. Won’t spoil as don’t know the broadcast situation in Aus but it’s been a brilliant return and though across one country rather than the world Canada provided an incredible backdrop and I suspect the number of Brits travelling there will increase over the next year as a result.
Just a well cast format though with real people with real stories, and love the purity of the format which is just about getting from A to B with minimum production interference and no stupid tasks to get advantages or avoid elimination.
Gut feeling when it was announced was why spoil a brilliant show with a needless if inevitable celeebrity version - and I did feel it was really missing something in episode 1. It seems to lack the jeopardy of the regular version - perhaps not so much due to the celeb factor but due to the route chosen. Europe is pretty easy to get around compared to previous locations and the first leg was basically a hop across the med then a bus or train to the next location, so it just lacked any sense of jeopardy. Each leg is likely just a couple of days too rather than a week as in the regular version.