Pet Peeves

And people who use the word “like” in every third word they say. Like, you know, like that thing, like, aah, yeah.


Drivers who can’t follow directional arrows in car parks. How hard is it to follow an arrow?

And drivers stopped at an intersection with right blinker going, while facing a “No Right Turn” sign. Meanwhile, the rest of us are banked up behind them.


The unpredictabe surcharges when making purchases or at restaurants.
1%-1.5% for credit cards
10% for weekends and public holidays
10% for groups bigger than 10

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For me it’s people who stand side by side on escalators. It’s completely selfish/inconsiderate and always seems to happen when I’m in a rush and want to walk through. I also find more often than not it’s generally older people that always do this. If I’m with someone standing on an escalator, I will always make sure to keep the right of the escalator free so people can get through.

This one annoys me! I went to a cafe last weekend that was already overpriced/expensive to find out at the end that it was also a 10% surcharge on weekends (It was written in tiny writing at the bottom of the menu). I can kind of understand public holidays (as annoying as it is) but places that think they can get away with charging extra on any normal Saturday which is probably their busiest day of the week astounds me. They are just milking customers.


One more to add - cars that don’t stop at zebra crossings. Especially when they see you approaching one and don’t slow down (or actively speed up) to try to beat you to it.

I live near a main road intersection where there is a zebra crossing just before it (where drivers turn left onto the next road). Cars constantly speed up to get around the corner even if you are there. Many times I’ve almost been clipped or have even been on the crossing and been able to tap the cars (in anger) for almost hitting me.


I’ve had this happen to me at red light pedestrian crossings too, I’ve nearly been hit on three separate occasions at green light pedestrian signals by cars running red lights when they’ve already been red for at least three seconds.


I hate it when my Pet Peeves on the floor… sorry, I couldn’t resist… and neither could they!


Yes influencers,my 16 year old 2nd cousin wants to be a influencer one day , hope she has a proper career lined up before she finishes high school

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Parents who can’t control their children in public,little kids who run around in shopping centres not looking where they’re going.As I didn’t have children myself that makes me less tolerant of them in general .:confused:Of course you’re not allowed to smack your children in public these days either,I’m sure I was smacked as a child if I misbehaved in public,yes different times :confused:

I always have a 3L bottle of cheap white vinegar for cleaning and poaching eggs and a tiny bottle of good stuff for salad dressings. My housemate is constantly using them for the opposite, drives me crazy.

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Again this arvo I had a 3 car train from Wacol to Brisbane Central Station that should have been a 6 car service :-1:it was crowded with people standing in the aisles well before it arrived at Central.This is the 2nd time this month that’s happened.
No wonder I would rather drive,I use public transport sometimes because I save money on petrol and I get half price fares


Another one ,people who stand too close to doorways on trains or buses so makes it difficult to board or disembark,.
Too many people boarding trains in peak hour times with bikes or e-scooters so there’s even less room on a 3 car train :-1:
Sorry about my whinging about public transport services,tomorrow I’m driving instead


When you are trying to park at a angle reverse car park when cars go around you or if they beep you as you wait for someone to reverse. I also had one women the other day at a parallel car park got into the other lane to get around me driving out if the car space and also the car waiting for my car space. That is just dangerous as it was hard to see the car going around. Just wait.


Another annoyance lately is when people ride bikes or e-scooters on footpaths. It happens quite frequently in my area when I’m walking my dog. The other day I was coming out of my driveway and an e-scooter zoomed passed really fast as I was coming out. It’s super dangerous. Not to mention when walking my dog how many times they’ve almost hit and I’m constantly yelling at them to get off the footpath.


If you are in the inner city areas you almost get knocked over by food delivery rider’s who don’t get off their bikes and walk to the outlet they are picking up the food from. Not to mention that they congregate in the McDonald’s car park waiting for orders using up the space in particular the one on Parramatta Road just up from Annandale. If you go there at 8pm at night it is crazy busy with all the cars in the car park. Mcdonalds should crack down on that. They should not be allowed to use up limited car parks just sitting there waiting for a new order.

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I’m a little surprised McDonald’s hasn’t funneled a lot of its delivery orders into ghost kitchens - would work for them as a lower cost base and they could set it up so it works for delivery drivers etc.


Another public transport whinge:
People on trains putting their feet or bags on seats when other passengers are standing👎this is listed in the Qld Rail /Translink train etiquette list as something you shouldn’t do while on a train.
There should also be a limit to how many passengers can board trains with bikes or E-scooters in peak hour times .


Another annoyance for me on buses is when people scan their Opal card at the closest reader usually right next to the driver when there is another scanner further into the bus. It’s quicker if the closest one isn’t being used you go to the next one and the person behind you goes to the closest one and so furth.

People who have bikes should go into the carriage where there is a bench seat rather than staying in the area where the doors are which makes it harder for new customers boarding to move.

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On Brisbane buses there’s 2 Go Card readers nearest the driver and 2 next to middle doors ,I tap on closest one ,we can board buses here through front or back doors but I usually board through front doors . I think with the trains there is a limit on how many passengers can board with bikes or scooters in peak hour times.
Also passengers on trains with bikes or scooters shouldn’t block seats ,they can only board 1st or last carriages
I used to be annoyed with bus passengers who had to pay the driver on board ,now thankfully buses are cashless ,only Go Cards or paper tickets are allowed

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Oh dear, public transport in general! Attracts the wrong crowd of people and is a blight on the roads and not to mention gets in the way of my town car on the roads! Remove them all.

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