Pet Peeves

I’ll start off ,I’m sure I’m not the only one out there who’s p***ed off with this .
People walking around looking at their smartphones and not looking where they’re going,this is especially annoying in peak hours times in busy streets and or at train or bus stations :-1:I felt like I was going to be knocked over this arvo while crossing a busy Brisbane inner city intersection


Walking and on the phone is a massive pet peeve.
I’m also a pretty fast walker so slow walkers too.


I can walk around without looking at my phone,I usually play music with my Bluetooth headphones connected,there’s no need for me to be looking at it,it’s young folks who think they might miss something if they’re not looking at their phones.Yes I’m old if this annoys me :-1::confused:
Another one E-scooters on busy streets when pedestrians are trying to cross at the same time

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Good idea of a topic.

People walking and looking down on their phones annoys me too. Especially when they’re at a pedestrian crossing. Looking down on their phones, and not looking up, seeing if a car is slowing down or not. Look up, people.

Another pet peeve is not giving a thank you wave when you let someone in your lane while driving…


When I’m driving and I slow down to let a bus pull out from a bus stop and the car driver behind beeps their horn.Bus drivers usually wave at me to say thanks if I let them merge in front of me


Same, i don’t mind people being on their phones but PLEASE HURRY UP!!! :joy:


Agree, poor driving is a peeve of mine too, and that includes not using indicators - I consider myself a considerate and law abiding driver (I’ve only had one speeding offence in nearly 35 years and it was a caution).


I’m getting angry hearing all these pet peeves!

Another for me: when I’m already going over the speed limit on a freeway in the right lane and someone is right up me. Back off!!


Anyone who talks on their phone on public transport so everyone else can hear their conversations


Or plays music out loud!

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The ones that put their phone call on speaker and you can hear the whole conversation


I’ll add people beeping their horns in general in situations where it’s not to warn of a potential accident.

We have a real problem around where I live with drivers thinking they can approach a roundabout at Mach 3 and then get aggrieved when they have to slow down for someone that’s already on the roundabout before them.


People who beep as soon as the light goes green and there’s still other cars in the intersection…


A common one I’ve been seeing lately is people on the train playing TikTok videos out loud… :rage::rage:


Anyone who boards a train or bus without letting disembarking passengers out first


Same with elevators. I’ve had people force their way in on me without letting me out first.

And when people talk over the top of others and cut them off.

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anyone who tries to bring their oversized carry on bags onto an aircraft so others can’t put their bags in the overhead lockers. I think it’s because some people try to avoid paying extra for checked baggage


The Daily Mail, the influx of influencers, overruns of television shows, and just people in general. lol.


Price gouging… Particularly by supermarkets and petrol stations.

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People who start sentences with “I mean…”. Unless you are saying that as a response to someone asking what you mean, it is grammatically incorrect and just makes you sound unintelligent. Don’t do it!!!

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