Paramount Australia & New Zealand


what a joke this is turning into


At least it keeps the lights on at Ten for a little while longer.

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Tbh… I’m thinking 10 would be better off being sold.

I disagree with you Paramount is doing fine with 10 even with a few slumps.

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A few slumps? :thinking:

Even if and when the FOR SALE sign goes up for Network 10, who would buy it?
The only ones interested I imagine would be Newscorp?
Turn 10 into a gateway/preview channel for Foxtel. Like how Sky Open, formerly Prime NZ is set up for Sky NZ.
No doubt Newscorp are eager to spread the love of Sky News Regional across metro Australia as well?
And in years to come when existing AFL/NRL/ Cricket deals expire, Foxtel being co-owned with 10 could deal Seven and Nine out of sports rights they currently have? The NRL rights being next would be very interesting.


If Foxtel were to purchase Channel 10, could they approach the AFL, NRL, or Cricket Australia to negotiate new deals that include Channel 10 in the agreements?

Interesting discussion.

Could Foxtel be the ones who can actually save 10?

Their relationship with the AFL and NRL could be a really good thing and perhaps finally convince the codes to partner with 10.


Both codes are tied up with other FTA networks for years, wouldn’t have any immediate benefit/impact for 10.

I couldn’t imagine it would be a great proposition for Foxtel either, who really need the added financial input from the other commercials to make these massive deals viable.

Oh yeah absolutely but it would be a start having an Australian owner back in the door.

However, if Nine and possibly Seven have plans to acquire NRL / AFL rights totally they could squeeze Foxtel out by using eg Stan as the Pay TV provider etc. So it would be in Foxtel’s interest to have a compliant FTA partner.

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Unfortunately News Corp owner is American! Anyone to own 10 but News Crap!


The Murdoch family are Australian.

what about 10 becoming a part of SCA? would be fitting, and be a stronger local media company, with brand synergies between radio and TV

I know SCA is looking to get out of the TV biz, but still something to consider…

You would have to be bordering on mental to buy a linear TV channel at this point, let alone one no one watches and 10Play isn’t enough of an asset to sweeten the deal.


Whoever buys it would more than likely re structure the business so it’s more like a media company rather then just a tv network. Similar to how 7 & 9 are run.

I think the ship has sailed in all honesty.

It will be interesting to see what happens.

98% of australian tv is american content

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