Olympics Coverage - History

Eek, not off to the best start with Jim presenting the first half hour of coverage from the studio because Joh wasn’t able to get into the stadium and to her position in time. Didn’t catch the reason why but hopefully it’s not a sign of logistical problems to come!

Not sure about having a huge LIVE tag on-screen during what appear to be prerecorded interviews and mostly packaged content (judging by the bright afternoon sun on-screen when it is actually now sunset in Rio).

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it was issues with the media buses. they had some subtle digs about it though the broadcast

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Enjoying the coverage thus far. I don’t like sevens graphics… Too chunky.

I’m sick of the ads already and I really want to stick needles in my eyes when I see promos for upcoming seven shows… They’re all just woeful programs.
And can seven give us a break with the mark Ferguson ads… No one cares for the bloke or his presenting style or his news bulletin.


Not delayed in Adelaide as its a Port game.

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It sounds like NZ is getting Jim Wilson’s commentary of the opening ceremony (or a very close sound alike)…is he doing it for Seven or the world feed? There was a South African commentator at the start of the broadcast.

Never mind. It’s the guy who does the anchoring on the Australian Open world feed whose name escapes me

I’ve been using the premium version of the app for the last half hour or so, it’s already frozen twice and I’m sick of ads for 800 Words or The Big Music Quiz :sleeping:


well this ceremony is about as fun as a case of haemorrhoids… it’s just been turned off in our house.


[quote=“MarkHD, post:423, topic:627, full:true”]
well this ceremony is about as fun as a case of haemorrhoids… it’s just been turned off in our house.
[/quote] Maybe it will be better by Monday. They do say Seven do the Olympics the best, so…

The political right will be having conniptions at this ceremony with the clearly political environmental message on climate change. I can just see Andre bolt now frothing at the mouth. Not to mention Paul Murray, the staff at the Australian newspaper, the staff at Fox News, Rowan Dean and that crazy one nation senator from Queensland (not Pauline).


it’s not Seven’s fault, it’s the actual “ceremony” - there’s nothing to hold the interest.


Parade of nations now… Always interesting.

Good they have Bruce doing this… But Andrew Gaze?! His voice is annoying. I don’t like his bogan twang. Couldn’t they find a better former athlete to help Bruce with special comments.

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The infamous #NBCFail hashtag in full swing as NBC decides to tape delay the Ceremony


Not a surprise at NBC they arrogantly do this quite a lot.


Prime’s coverage is delayed (again) - and the reminders from Seven that its available in HD are patronising


The history of some countries are just more interesting than others.

The complaints have started…


NBC’s coverage getting the flack on Twitter with tape delay and commercial


That’s why they delayed it. So they could out ads in.

Seven have had very limited commercials. Only a couple thus far. Tonight’s replay will be riddled with ads.

Is the Opening Ceremony in HD on the app?

(I was watching the “Channel 7” simulcast button, not the “world feed” one)