Is because WIN takes most of the Nine promos from the dirty feeds they are supplied. Therefore WIN break timing has take into account the start of break trigger plus the duration of the Nine promo WIN is also airing from the incoming dirty feed. Meaning MHA needs to watch those painfully slow to update NPC stacks like hawks.
I’ve seen WIN randomly cut off Nine promos too early, which is something affiliates need to be careful about.
That’s what happens when they change a 10” to a 20”
The daughter may have more sense and not be beholden to an industry nostalgia that longer exists unlike her father is and cut her losses and sell while she still can if there is anything to sell by that stage? As there is no way Bruce will be able to take over NEC to take over NINE, that window is long shut. The only left over markets when (and if) NINE takes over WIN is Imparja and Southern Cross 9 Port Pirie/Broken Hill, as WIN has the rest that NINE don’t already own. It makes perfect sense for NINE to eventually takeover WIN as they will control a signal that goes to more places than what SEVEN has now, even after their recent PRIME purchase.
I thought Andrew had been taking the reigns for years now? At least since Sky News on WIN was conceived?
he has last i read
Which WIN Nine channels are typically local feeds and/or state feeds?
My family in Wide Bay, Qld, reporting constant issues with WIN over the past 24 hours. Transmission interrupted or jumpy, black screens, and repeating of the last 3-4 seconds just shown.
I’ve seen this happening in Canberra before too, back during the 10 affiliation.
I’m sure I would have posted about it on here before.
Looking at the EPG, it seems TVSN ends at 12:30am on Friday morning. All the other channels go on as normal, with it being on both TVs I have. Maybe that is when TVSN shuts down via WIN? I know I am probably looking too far into this, but could anyone else check?
On the QLD EPG there’s nothing past Thursday 12:30 am.
Listings continue into next week on my EPG.
I doubt win will drop tvsn as they have network 10 affiliation in northern NSW.
However, I would love win to drop it and give us 10Shake in Northern NSW and 9Rush for the rest of Win’s licence area.
The thing is, SCA have TVSN in Darwin and Spencer Gulf, but not in Central Remote, QLD, NSW, VIC and TAS. So WIN could maybe keep it for NNSW.
If WIN is dropping TVSN in some areas, lets hope they replace it with 9GEMHD.
I agree. My bet is either that or Extra. WIN has broadcasted Extra before, from January to July 2016.
WIN has launched a new advertising campaign “Change, Connect, Grow”. The website is at
Absolutely ugly looking website. It looks like the sort of page you’d be scammed on.
compared to WIN’s usual website I think it’s not bad. Certainly needs tweaking, though. They include the 10 logos at the top of the page but under the heading “Why TV” it talks only about Nine.
And at the bottom of the page, the big red button “Lets Talk”, skipping an apostrophe. Ugh!
btw needs the .au at the end? It didn’t work when i just clicked on the .com link?
The reason Ten is included is because of their Northern NSW station, otherwise they would have also included the Seven channels on that site.
Interesting that Mildura has a younger population base than Griffith and Mount Gambier according to the table.