Nine (WIN)

WIN wouldn’t do it in lieu of a watermark… they’d do it IN ADDITION to it.


Does WIN put all their bandwidth into the logo cause that looks terrible for HD.


True! The logo looks hi-res compared to the rest of the screen.

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The sound on WIN Eleven Canberra tonight during Wrong Girl is distorted. How can they let that be put to air. WIN One and WIN HD are fine.

They have a massive logo in the bottom of the screen blocking content that they’d be well aware no one likes… I have a feeling they really don’t care that much about what they’re putting to air.


It’s WIN you’re talking about. They can put anything to air they want - just cast your eyes to the wonder that is the giant blue blob.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Seriously though, It’s been like this for more than month I’ve noticed (probably longer but I don’t watch it regularly).


When most major sporting events are on free to air telly I like to support them over poxtel but today
I couldn’t do it with the Bathurst 1000. That big blue crappy map drove me to my dear old box formally known as Austar :weary:


IF you can’t tolerate with that WIN Stupid Watermark, then perhaps you may purchase a subscription of V8 supercars races so that you wouldn’t have to put up with this annoyance.

Currently in Bali and I’ve noticed a few bars in Kuta have their TV’s tuned into WIN (HD). On my visit last year they were showing 9Imparja instead.


It will be interesting to see if a CBS-owned Ten will push WIN into dropping their map “watermark”. I personally can’t see it happening (WIN will want to maintain their ‘branding’ in any case), but if an agreement can be reached, it may be beneficial for both networks and viewers. :wink:


How is that feed getting to Bali? Is it via VAST? Is that normal in Bali?


I suspect they are getting Western VAST, which is GWN7, Nine West and WIN.

Basically the same set up as Central/Eastern VAST, which is SC Seven, 9Imparja and Ten Central.

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Very normal. Just about every pub and hotel has a VAST setup. Felt very much at home in the hotel room :stuck_out_tongue:


How do they get away with that?

The same way they get away with setting up fake Apple stores with fake replica Apple products on every street. I guess big corporations know they are fighting a losing battle if they try to put an end to anything in Bali.

A few extra thousand eyeballs on some ads doesn’t hurt sales :wink:

Big dish, pointed in the right direction. the right receiver and hacked card. :wink:


Could probably buy a VAST box and card in Bali, bring it back to Oz and watch it here.

Wonder if Western VAST can be received in the eastern states?

You could buy one over there, but not sure why you’d bother when you could just buy one here and activate it with whichever state you want.

All VAST channels are beamed over the same area. It’s only the smart card in the box that locks out channels that are not allowed due to your location.

Anyway, if you want to know more ask away in Viewer Access Satellite Television (VAST)

