This HD watermark bullshit is really pissing me off. No one even checks the broadcast as it goes to air! MediaHub is a state-of-the-art, multi-million dollar facility yet no one can seem to time a fucking watermark correctly. What’s even worse is WIN has full control over their on-screen graphics. They trigger their own watermarks, not relying on metro watermark timing like SCA, yet SCA do a far better job. Can’t the system that turns on the WIN shitstain after a break be linked to turn on the HD watermark at the same time? How difficult is it really?
I know even the metro networks don’t always get the timing of their HD watermark additions quite right (staying on for a few frames into a commercial break, etc) but that’s ridiculous!
The occasional slip-up is going to happen. I also expect some teething problems when starting HD for the first time (like SCA’s HD watermark problems in the first month or so), but this is beyond a joke. I suspect in the next week or so they will remove it entirely like they have 3 times since July 1 already, only to bring it back soon after, usually when they update/change something on the primary channel. WIN is such an amateur operation.
It truly is pitiful when you look at what they have to offer… One, Eleven, TVSN and GOLD. Just think this time last year the were still affiliated with Nine and had truly premium channels with premium and high rating programs.
I think it’s nice to see the return of mappy as a cute piece of nostalgia, though it’s plain to see that old Bruce is tooting his own horn to try and make the WIN brand distinct and now there are too many logos.
I think that the best way to reintroduce mappy would have been to make it the PRG animation, then for it to fade completely into the plain WIN wordmark, or morph into the circular coverup. Mappy is too bulky to be used as a permanent watermark, faded, coverup or otherwise.
Is it possible to request the creation of this mock idea? I don’t have the tools to create it myself.