Nine (WIN)

Would they bring back GOLD2, though? Correct me if I’m wrong but the +2 channel only went off the air to make room for Extra with the Nine six month contract extension?

TVSN now takes Extra/GOLD2’s place and I can’t see them having what is essentially three home shopping channels

FWIW I’m not sure if Channel 83 is live across all of WIN’s network anyway. I couldn’t find it at all when I was last in WIN SA territory; I can’t say this time whether it was due to the channel not being broadcast at all, or whether it was the equipment not picking up the channel - however it did automatically rescan all channels incl. HD on July 1 when things changed slightly.

There is no Channel 83 in WIN SA territory in the south east, I’m not sure about the riverland area.

No 83 placeholder in WA either. Presumably this is because of limited satellite space, but doesn’t explain why it’s not in SA.

An aussie version of TechTv would be nice.

TechTV hasn’t been a thing that exists for 12 years now…

I do wonder if they they’ll ever broadcast something on 83. It’s been on the channel info placeholder for nearly three months now.

Obviously we have a dedicated cooking channel on SBS, but maybe WIN could launch their own and air Alive & Cooking and the like on it? Anything really. They could even name the channel ‘WIN Food’ or ‘WIN Cooking/Cooking WIN’. :yum:

[quote=“Ryan, post:2627, topic:55, full:true”]
But then to whom would they flog their 65-volume DVD sets (at $59.95 a pop) of the Sullivan’s or Bluey?![/quote]Haha, I wonder how well they sell these days? I mean, who would honestly pay $60 for the DVD sets? Of course, I’m sure there’s some out there but I seriously doubt they’d be many!


No idea either; not that its necessary to have it to begin with but it isn’t like WIN SA is hosting more channels since the swap. Would be good to get 9Life back, but that seems like that’s a no for the long term. I guess in SA and Griffith/MIA at least they could take on 7Flix if they chose to

Back to branding, WIN could start hammering us with those Entertaining Australia idents again if they really have nothing else prepared.

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I’ve just spent the weekend away in Central Queensland and while down there I noticed an electronic billboard in Mackay with an image of Georgia Love advertising The Bachelorette, but it had a massive Ten logo plastered on it, and no mention of WIN anywhere.

Seemed a bit weird considering it was smacked in the middle of WIN territory. In fact, it was located only about 500 metres away from the WIN offices in the city.


Would make sense. Particularly if WIN were planning on phasing out their own brand in the not too distant future. From what I currently see, their own on-air brand is far less prominent than what it used to be.

On a side note, I’m yet to see any outside billboards for The Bachelorette (or for any other Ten shows) in Hobart. The only one I’ve recently seen is an old one for WIN News (which still features Georgia Love on it!! :smirk:).

The Georgia Love billboard in Newtown was taken down mid July after repeated requests from WIN TV to remove it.

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WIN for some reason is using a Coverup during “Have You Been Paying Attention?


Just had this on the sunny coast


Perhaps they don’t have a clean feed.

as I understand it, there are issues in Sydney tonight affecting presentation. I hear that there were serious issues during The Project on the east coast.


[quote=“2tribesmedia, post:2637, topic:55, full:true”]
The Georgia Love billboard in Newtown was taken down mid July after repeated requests from WIN TV to remove it.[/quote]There must be two of them then? I saw one of them on my travels around a month ago…

Interesting. Looks like WIN finally have custom-made PRGs and watermarks during their own home shopping slots on Eleven and One.
They actually look much better in that reduced size unlike the larger versions Ten currently use.


Found this on Facebook for a Haribo competition ad and felt like I had to share :stuck_out_tongue: This looks bizarrely familiar to me for some reason…


LOL, WIN Television is probably in Media Spy’s “Hall of Unhappiness” if you ask me! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Here, I fixed it!


Never noticed before how many of the “regional” adverts are now in HD on WIN