Is there any reason that WIN in regional WA isn’t covering their blank 5/50/55 etc with “Channel 1 is now on 81”, “Channel 11 is now on 82”, and of course “Channel 10 is now on Win 8”.
Better than a blank screen, and totally relevant to anyone trying to find channel 10 etc at it’s old LCN. If they’re permitted.
I’d say Prime wouldn’t allow for it, because they’re not WIN’s channels. Unless they also threw in a mention like “GWN7, 7TWO and 7mate are still on 6, 62, 63” or something?
So it turns out it wasn’t just me experiencing terrible breakup and pixelation issues on all WIN channels from around 10:30pm to 1am. The whole state suffered through the same crap. I recall a similar situation when 9HD and 9Life launched. It must happen when they add or remove services on VAST (which feeds all the state’s terrestrial transmitters). Here I am up on the roof at 11 at night tweaking my aerial when I didn’t need to.
I’d imagine that it will continue to be the previous night’s episode rather than the new episode prior to it’s premiere on TEN Metros - most likely just recorded directly from the feed from TEN.
Hopefully they can edit out or replace the promotions usually done at the end of it for Ten’s programming - ideally get Denyer to record a distinct signoff on each episode for WIN Tasmania - or a generic one they could also use on repeats.
WIN Illawarra and Melissa Russell went live on Facebook at the WIN/Ten party at WIN HQ. Interesting to see Geoff Phillips there, considering it was uploaded just after 6.30pm, so I assume that none of the NSW/ACT bulletins go to air live?
[quote=“CQtvNetwork, post:2155, topic:55”]
Interesting to see Geoff Phillips there, considering it was uploaded just after 6.30pm, so I assume that none of the NSW/ACT bulletins go to air live?
[/quote]They may have done the Illawarra bulletin early just for Wednesday so that staff would be available for the launch party.