Nine Radio (Talk)

Given the way 4BH is performing without them, I’m not sure they would be worth the investment. Bob G. seems to be doing a pretty good job.


That theme was the one in the 90’s. They brought it back on 3AW’s birthday and changed the news intros for it.

Wonder if they had been loaded in by mistake or if they like you said had tech difficulties and had to use it?


I always find it odd/funny when networks revert to previous logos/intros, etc. to mark such special occasions.

To me it’s not nostalgic. It screams, “we wish we never changed it!”

A good example is how Triple M often display their previous logo from time-to-time.


Agree. I find her to speak down to the audience and not create a sense of conversation. Drive ratings will slide next year. The role should’ve gone to Heidi Murphy.


It would cost too much for 4BH to employ all 3 of them


True and it’s questionable whether they woud generate enough in revenue, over and above what 4BH is writing now, to justify the money.


Why didn’t it? While she isn’t perfect, I think after a bit time she would settle well into the role.

I just don’t get the Felgate decision. I nearly fell over the day she was even on radio let alone get a drive show.


Does 4BH even have a physical studio?


4BH is apparently located at 77 Southgate Ave. Cannon Hill. (Most data is old, however).


So much like Tom now?

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Not for Ace leasing it, all WFH. (Work from home)


4BC might be moving Hadley on - Bill McDonald listed on Nine Radio Syndication’s website as 09:00-12:00…


Certainly time they moved Hadley on as he is not going to improve 4BC ratings. Seems Bill will only be hosting next week and hopefully he will get a 1 hour slot when daylight saving takes over. Maybe in the New Year he will take over mornings, lets hope so however I really don’t hold out much hope for poor old 4BC. Nine management have lost the plot.


It’s just a temporary thing as Bill is listed as a replacement for Hadley on 4BC from 18/09/23 - 22/09/23 with Luke Grant doing the show in Sydney. Mark Levy is much better Luke Grant sends me to sleep. I agree Hadley should be replaced by a local show in Brisbane and will probably only happen once he retires. I doubt he will resign after his current contract ends. Which is good because he’s whole show is about how The Voice will fail and is fuelling the Liberal party’s campaign of discrediting it which is unfortunate. He also should not have Dutton on he’s show every week without having Labor party member on as well. But anyway.


Last I knew, Luke Grant had a mintie stuck to the roof of his mouth. Have a listen.

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Perhaps Labor don’t want to appear, they know it’s a lost cause?

His polarising views have reduced the Sydney talk radio influence. Far from when John Laws was #1 on 2UE.

Laws still on air via 2SM, not participating in the surveys, yet still more balance of interview talent.


Did they ever have the plot in the first place for 4BC?

No Ross & John/Russel calibre of breakfast talent has ever been signed by Nine to 4BC.

The content choice is poor and will not attract and retain their desired target market.

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According to The Australian, the Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA) is conducting an investigation after Jacqui Felgate’s 12 lucrative commercial partnerships were not declared by 3AW, which would be a breach of the industry guidelines. The partnerships, which have now been posted on 3AW website, are with: BMW, NAB, Maybelline, Chemist Warehouse, Chadstone shopping centre, Melbourne Racing Club, Ceres Life, All Kinds, La Roche Posay, Villawood Property, Off The Track and Smile Solutions.

Nine has spoken with Felgate about the matter and it is understood she has been issued with the commercial guidelines to ensure they are met. Under the disclosure standards, presenters must provide details of the parties to agreement and obligations under the agreement. The disclosure applies to deals worth $25,000 or more per year.


Given the way 4BH is performing without them, I’m not sure they would be worth the investment. Bob G. seems to be doing a pretty good job.

I’m sure if 4BH had wanted then or could afford them they would have taken them when 4KQ ended,


3aw having major issues with ads playing over the top of each other and all stings and playons are playing ads in a jumble instead. The 11am news had no news theme.