No dude you are wrong. The likes of Turnbull, Hewson and Vanstone are not conservatives. They are so called ‘moderates’ or ‘wets’.
They are the only types the ABC will let on. And many of these types love bagging conservatives and that’s why the ABC let them in the door.
Turnbull gets the red carpet treatment everytime in the ABC bcoz he’s in line with all the ABC left causes and best of all loves to bag the tripe out of the Libs. Vanstone is the same.
When you do see a true conservative on the ABC they are usually the odd one out on Q and A, providing punching bag material for the other lefty panel members, incuding the lefty host.
Our taxpayer dollars pay for this one-sided tripe.
Hmm, yes they’re wets, but they’re still conservatives. I’m sorry that doesn’t fit your far right view of modern conservatism. Enjoy the cult while it lasts.
Usually it’s just the usual “drive with…” and the fill-ins name.
It’s like this time round they are stipulating it so it’s almost separated from the usual program even though it’s completely the same.
Also another interesting thing is that Nick McCallum appears to no longer be Toms main fill in. I guess that’s a decision based on him being with Seven and only to be on Sunday Morning.
Not that I am complaining. Heidi runs rings around most presenters IMO
Heard 3AW cut into Money News dramatically with a siren and bushfire message tonight. Right in the middle of an interview. It was Tony Tardio reading it out. They then cut back to Money News in progress.
That’d be the emergency warning for a grassfire near Mount Cottrell - ironically in the vicinity of 3AW’s transmitter site. Fire has since been downgraded to watch and act level.
A shame 2SM’s Marcus Paul can’t get onto Ben Fordham’ as program. Because this evening 2SM’s Gavin Robertson was on 2GB’s Wide World of Sports talkin’ cricket.