Nine News Presenters and Reporters

What? It’s a news bulletin :joy:


Probably a publicist release

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Nine management must not be to happy that their ratings didn’t increase during the Olympics like in other markets.

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Don’t know how I feel about this tbh, it’s not needed. Their weekend bulletin doesn’t rate anyway so having two presenters isn’t going to change that.


Interesting change. Given the low ratings in Adelaide it’s good to see them trying something new.
Also potential as future weeknight replacements?
Will is a great anchor.


We keep hearing about the industry being in trouble and sackings left right and centre but Seven Nine and Ten are still making moves that possibly don’t need to be made.

Hiring Karina, hiring Sharyn when a reporter would probably get the same ratings, if not a little more, let’s be honest, and now Nine putting in a double header on weekends?

These decisions, while great for viewers, are just astonishing really.

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They probably think that since dual weekend presenters has worked for Seven in curbing Nine’s growth in 2021, then maybe it will help grow their own ratings.


Alice wasnt just recently hired though. Alongside Will presenting the weekend news, he also does the afternoon news 3 days a week, with Alice reading the other 2 afternoons.


Dynamic? Not sure if I’d call two fairly pedestrian anchors dynamic. They’re competent enough but this isn’t ground breaking.

They’ve been getting smashed by 7 on weekends but I don’t think this is gonna be what turns that around.

She’s just ne changing hr day from M-F to Sa-Th or something.


To be fair, their logic probably is that they were doing the same to Seven for a bit (although less of a gap) after they sacked Jess Adamson and axed SA Weekender - then they added Mike Smithson on weekends, and later switched to a Sunday-Thursday weeknight roster, and that switched things around.

Probably won’t work for Nine, since Mike Smithson is more well known than Alice.

From memory though, Will McDonald was winning quite a number of weekends a few years back against Jess Adamson, but i believe it was during some of Seven’s instability in 2020

Still a stretch to call him or her or them dynamic.

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True, but calling them bland doesnt make for a good headline lol. Although I think Will would make better inroads on weeknights, but thats just my take

He didn’t win any weekends against Jess in 2020 because they only started to win after Seven sacked Jess and axed the local afternoon news.

Sorry I couldn’t recall if it was during Jessica Adamson’s tenure or after

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I Wished Nine Sydney had a Newsreading Duo, maybe they shall trail it during December.

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They don’t need to. Their winning streak isn’t in danger.


All good- 2020 feels like a longtime ago now :smile:


Solo presentation in Melbourne