Nine News Presenters and Reporters (2015-Sept 2020)

Michael Genovese?

If so, hope he’s lining up what he’ll be doing for a crust in 2019. Can’t see him lasting long.


If it’s male and it’s in house then it either has to be Michael Genovese (would be a shit replacement and would make ratings worse) or Michael Thompson (who they have tested on 9Live Perth a few times) I definitely think that if it’s going to be in house it has to be Tracy Vo and they would be stupid not to put her on.


Why does it come as a surprise that the choice was solo and in house? The bulletin rates poorly, Nine have thrown a ton of cash at it in the form of presenters and a new set in an attempt to improve ratings with no success. It makes sense for Nine to cut costs by axing presenters and putting someone on that they already have on the books and is probably getting paid less than the existing presenters to boot.


If it’s Michael Genovese I doubt I will ever stream Nine News Perth on weeknights again! They’re crazy not to put Tracy or Lou on!

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Someone from the East Coast? (Any locals on the east coast)

Exactly, while Tracy and Lou certainly won’t set ratings on fire (yet), putting Michael Genovese on is basically a sign of them saying ‘I give up’.

If only Liam Bartlett was still at Nine Perth, he could be a potential anchor as he is very good (IMO better than Tim).


It’s bizarre. Clearly a cost cutting move. How much would the likes of Tim and Em be on? 200k?


What appeared to have happened is they sacked Emmy and their intention was to keep Tim solo at 6pm and 4pm, for what was reported as the same pay for increased duties.

Whether Tim financially and/or morally declined his new job, is unknown.

It actually could be -local and at the station. However, it is likely to be Michael, which is a bad choice IMO who has less of a personality than Tim.

Louise would have been a better choice and the time would be fitting too.


This leaves the question with who will host the 4pm news as well then.

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Brett McLeod presenting First At Five News and in Melbourne again this weekend.


For the love of god, not ‘Thommo’. :roll_eyes:

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A short promo ran during the Perth news last night saying Tracy Vo would be presenting the 4PM news starting Monday…


So presumably the other local Afternoon News bulletins will resume on Monday?

I know that Melbourne’s version has been continuing over the Summer period, but other markets have been getting a Sydney produced semi-national edition - possibly a case of the TCN newsroom helping out the smaller markets which don’t have the resources to run local Afternoon News when many of their staff go on holidays!


Why have they got TVo, not her full name?

I was actually talking about Michael Genovese. However, I think Thommo is a likely chance to be promoted to the news chair.


So Tvo takes on 4pm. And Gena or Thommo takes 6pm.



Saturday (13.01.2018) - Sunday (14.01.2018): Jonathan Uptin is anchoring in Queensland with Aislin Kriukelis presenting the weather.


@Will In addition to Today perth news or instead of? If instead of, they should have her do the 6pm news too either solo or as a co anchor.


It was only a short promo, specifically about 9 Live Perth. No mention of Today Perth.