Nine News Local

Were you persistent in your attempts to get work experience there? or did you throw in the towel after only one call? If the later, then it’s really no surprise.

Things in this industry just don’t get handed to you. The person who did get work experience was more than likely also rejected at first, but persisted and made him/herself known as a keen contender.


I’ve never read as much entitled nonsense on this board as I have in the last few posts.

Media organisations have obligations to their own stakeholders first and foremost, by that I mean their owners but also their employed staff.

Beyond that, it’s luck of the draw. You ask one week, the person/boss might say great, come in, a different student asks the following week and they might have just had someone resign meaning they’re covering an extra person’s workload or have a big project coming up that means they can’t divert time away.

I understand rejection sucks and could maybe understand if this was a week later but this is 6 months later! So much could have changed in that time. Did you ring back up and say “Hey, I’ve just heard about someone doing work experience - how can I do the same thing?”

Who is to say the other person knew people at the station.

A lot of media outlets have official/formal partnerships with media training centres, to offer work experience.
I’ve been on record in this thread saying a journalism qualification is not necessary, but one of the advantages some places do have is those placement partnerships.

Spelling mistake aside, if you took this kind of tone with 2PK when asking for work experience, I’m beginning to see why you may not have been successful.


Also this is hardly something that is specific to any one industry or organisation.

Rejection is a part of everybody’s working life. If you give up at the first hurdle then frankly you don’t deserve to find success down that pathway.

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While not fair, unfortunately “it’s not what you know but who you know” is often how the entire world (not just the Australian media industry) runs.

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I did work experience with Nine News Central West back in 2018, stayed in close contact and landed a job with them at age 17 last year as a camera operator.
It’s about who you know in this industry, that’s what I’ve learnt.


Jack started out by sending a handwritten letter to Peter Overton in Year 7 for a school assignment, and stayed in touch with him until Year 10.

He then got one week at the COS desk, where he networked that week with regional news and today show.

Every school holidays since then he did work experience at 9 until the pandemic hit.

He fully deserves the role.


Yes he surely deserves the role I’m just pointing out that it can be difficult to get your foot in the door in the first place. Yes maybe I should have perused it further and not taken no for an answer.

However in contrast the local computer store was far more accodating and now I work for one of the biggest tech company’s in the world. Company’s in every industry need to do their part in contributing to training talent so their company’s remain relevant overall. To get to where I am now I relied on my own skills and not my network. By not having work experience or even cadet programs media organisations miss out on great talent.
While things may have changed the company should have been proactive in the first place and offered to keep my details in case the situation changes. Not to mention that I should have done the same, but I was disheartened by the whole experience so I gave up. What 2PK did in my view is not right and if more organisations take such views they miss out and so does the whole industry.


When I did work experience at ad advertising agency in North Sydney I remember researching all ad agencies through the yellow pages. I then called reception and asked for the appropriate contact. I then wrote this person a letter, along with my portfolio of arts and design work from high school. I must have done this for about 15 agencies. It was months of work on my behalf to land just 1 offer

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Still not sure how you’re forming this view. I did a week’s work experience at TCN when I was 16, and I only landed that role out of perseverance - I was initially told no, but kept asking the right people and was eventually given a go.

Having Googled 2PK as well, it’s entirely believable that a small regional radio station wouldn’t have had the capacity to take on a work experience kid. Having now been in a position for a few years where I’m sporadically in charge of hiring and firing, it’s incredibly draining to have another body on board and having to train them in all the do’s and don’ts of any industry, let alone media.

If it turns out they were in a position down the track to bring somebody on, that’s a matter of bad timing rather than any nefarious work practices. Is that fair? Probably not, but life isn’t either.

I’ll also say that this has strayed pretty far outside the bounds of Nine News Local, so I’m looking forward to getting back on topic.


I doubt that very much. You may not think of it as a “network” but nobody gets anywhere without knowing people and being able to establish a base within an industry/company.

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My whole point is that issues aside if 2PK said oh I can’t help you at this time, however contact me in a few months that’s fine, that’s being supportive. But to say, we’re too busy go away that’s not supportive. Rejection happens all the time but it’s how you handle it the words you say to someone that makes all the difference and it goes both ways the student requesting the experience and the organisation being supportive of the process. That’s the point of my original post.

Yes 2PK is a small station with limited resources, they can only do so much, but be supportive and helpful to the student. That costs you nothing.

NINE NEWS LOCAL - 28/01/2021

New South Wales

Let’s bring the topic back on track.


I also noticed it on Jack’s Hahns report on the 6 News AU YouTube page but the graphics from a court report about 5 minutes in is really bad. Badly formatted and hard to read text not to mention the average background image.
They also need to separate the weather temps graphics into separate images as it’s hard to read.

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Can you please talk about that in the relevant thread?
I’m hear to read about and discuss 9 News Local… reading your annoyance at someone deserving landing a great job, on this thread, is getting insufferable.


This is a thread about Nine News Local and I am referencing some average graphics in use by the news service which is what this thread is about.

I was not annoyed at someone receiving a job that was not my intention it’s a very well deserved appointment I am just expressing an opinion that it is not necessary easy when you don’t get support from media outlets when you are trying to get experience to further your career in media.

I would like to see the quality of the graphics improved but the overall content of the news is good

Yeah cool, I agree the text was a bit on the small side. Maybe contact Nine with feedback.

Is it possible to bot make every post about yourself? I’m not sure of your age or where you’re at in life but perhaps you could access some counseling through school or uni or your employer may have an EAP provider who you can talk things through with. Doesn’t look like you’ll be satisfied with the majority of responses here.

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The quality should be of the same quality as that of the Sydney news. They would not use such poor graphics there so why do it on Nine News Local? Just because it’s a regional service is no excuse.

People took what I was saying and twistered it and interpreted things that were completely wrong and not what I was saying at all. Anyway let’s move on and go back on topic.

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Sunshine Coast tonight:


I don’t know why they don’t put a image of Queensland to represent the market in the backdrop in that giant blue Area to the left, like they do for the Darwin bulletin


The other bulletins -

Kinda hard to represent the whole market. They need a better generic background though.