Nine News Content and Appearance

So because the majority disagreed with you that meant this place was toxic? You were still allowed to post your view. That doesn’t mean everyone had to agree with you.

The individual being discussed chose to leave because the majority disagreed with them. I remain disappointed that said individual doesn’t see why that was the case. What they said was nothing short of disgraceful. But they chose to walk away. No one made them do that.

The idea of Media Spy having to apologise is ridiculous.


We had a discussion with this user when he left, especially after he gave us a fairly lengthy spray on Twitter on the way out the door.

If he wants to come back, that is something that we can discuss - it appears he still reads some of the content here, so if he does read this, he knows how to get in touch with me - happy to have a chat about a return if that’s of interest to him (at any time in the future)

While there is a fine line between people expressing a difference of opinion to yours and an aggressive pile-on, just because your opinion is different to everyone elses doesn’t automatically equate to toxicity. We tried hard during Covid to allow people to express their opinions (at what was a difficult time) without intervention (unless you went right off the reservation) and in the main, I think we were ok at that (we could have done better, but its easy to say that in hindsight).


Nine GC News confirmed to continue through the AO

GC Update with standing Brisbane update as seen on GC.


No, it was the insults, lack of empathy and name calling that made it toxic.

Thank God they have given Peter Overton a new image.


Join Peter Overton, Georgie Gardner, James Bracey,
Amber Sherlock, and the team for Sydney’s nightly
news, sport and weather.

Might be reading into it too much but… Has 9now always had Georgie’s name in the description? (Melbourne’s doesn’t have Peters name on it.)


Yes I think so but not sure



Ooh dang. So good.


I think the Melbourne duo look good but Sydney looks too casual. Should be wearing a business shirt and suit too.


From what I’ve seen, this look already looks dated and in dire need of a relaunch :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


No ties on the guys!

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I dare say that’s where we are headed in the future. Not ready for nesreaders to ditch ties yet but I can see it happening eventually.

Like most workplaces, ties are worn less and less these days. Twenty five years ago, I’d say most people in my office wore a suit and tie, whereas today nobody does.


Agree, and it’s gone further in that direction since COVID and Working From Home.

I knew people who worked from home in their pyjamas.


in case anyone wants the full size images

very interesting they put a fade to black on the image, rather than the website itself


Why is there so much dithering? Reminds me of Windows 9x :woozy_face:


Robust debate is fine and healthy and I love it. But people
On media spy didn’t want debate. They wanted everyone to see it one way. Insults name calling and hate felt pretty toxic to me.

I had posts deleted as misinformation when I dare suggested that vaccines were not stopping spread. Science is meant to
Be debated - even scientists tell you that. No one had all the answers all the information - but I can tell you if your opinion or take was different to the group think on media spy was not Just challenged. It was shot down as lies, misinformation and In a bout of political name calling. (I vote left)

MediaSpy suffered from group think at the time.

It’s all good I still enjoy media spy and I come here to contribute and enjoy roubust debate. But members here lost their collective minds. That said so did most of Australia

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That’s why I think this forum should focus on media not other debates and topics. :man_shrugging:

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Well I think it was more what people wanted to discuss at the time.More than lower thirds. Our world was thrown into chaos

Queensland have now also updated their 9now graphics…