Nine News Content and Appearance

Here’s a video of it in case anyone is interested:

I can’t help but wonder how Pete, Cam and the rest of the staff at Nine Sydney must feel about the regular technical difficulties. They can be unpreventable at times and I get that Nine had the cyber attack only a couple of months ago, but it’s ridiculous just how frequently they are occurring. You can actually see Pete shake his head subtly after the incorrect file footage is removed.


Nine News Melbourne ran wayyy overtime. They did the 60 minutes preview then straight to Celebrity Apprentice. No sign off at all.

(Unless they did this on purpose?)

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They were only about 20 seconds behind. Not the first time that’s happened. Can they not just delay The Apprentice by a touch?

Given that all the metro Nine stations are played out from the same place, it’d most likely be a case of everyone having to join the network feed at the same time.

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No. News has to be told to be out at a certain time. News Producer in the Control Room should be more aware.

Presentation will just cut you off. Too bad.


I would have thought perhaps not run the 60 mins promo and close the bulletin cleanly.

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It’d be a network directive for the 60 Minutes Preview to be run at the end of Saturday/Sunday night bulletins, wouldn’t it? Far more likely would be dropping an RVO to keep the bulletin on time.

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They’ll never learn not to overload the supers with text… Nine are so bad with this.


That’s him communicating with the control room. Director not on to it though, with the on-air talent asking for direction.

Its either the staff are not well trained or North Sydney new equipment / robot automatic machines not working.

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Have we seen this “record” element to the weather?


Not that I can remember.

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This week’s viewer giveaway on Nine News Sydney:

Meanwhile at the soon to be reopened, revitalised Luna Park Sydney…


Lizzie Pearl posted this on Instagram this afternoon.


Error at the end of Melbourne’s news today.


Same issue also seen in QLD.


I think this is more likely a TCN issue. Maybe the Sydney bulletin ran overtime, and didn’t cut to ACA before the other states joined the TCN feed.


It’s happened before plenty, but it’s usually only one or two frames…

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Why the heck isn’t there a clean network feed that TCN has to join as well?

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I’m detecting a theme :thinking: