Didn’t get caps of these unfortunately, but there was a fail in the headlines - “1978-1917” for Joe Jackson. There was also a rare camera zoom-in + usage of the liveshot for the first story (from what I’ve seen, a static camera shot & report-specific graphic is used for the lead story most nights these days) on tonight’s Nine News Sydney.
What I did manage to snap…Sam Cucchiara playing on his phone during a live cross!
Brisbane bulletins were saturated and perhaps a bit over the top with coverage of that story. There were watermarks, exclusives, first on scene etc but not much extra could be offered by any station though Seven did have surprising exclusive dash cam vision. Nine opened with breaking news of a “major police operation”. But the live report revealed the operation was already over an a false alarm. Unfortunate dress colour tonight.
It is a look-live, basically meaning we are trying to look live but we aren’t. We only do live crosses in areas where they have the facilities for it, such as Darwin.
There was also a report about how we were affected financially over 2017-18 and as you’d probably expect, Ross Greenwood and the floor graphics were wheeled out again!