While Nine News Sydney’s story-specific graphics aren’t great, what Nine News Melbourne use (what with those chunky and dated looking fonts) is worse IMO!
Talk about a dramatic opening:
Can we find someone else to do these bulletins and Nine News Queensland’s weekend news?
Another case of Nine News watermarking pooled helicopter footage as their own?
From Seven Afternoon News
Yikes, I’m glad the “Nine Live” branding hasn’t made it to the South Eastern States yet if that Queensland Opener is what to generally expect from the bulletin!
Two words: Eva Milic. Although isn’t she the regular presenter of Nine Live Queensland? If so, Allison was probably just filling in.
She is. Alison is the regular Friday presenter.
I really like the idea of starting the bulletin at the plasma like that. Looked good in my opinion.
Also June 19 I’m told will be a historic day. Watch this space.
I can certainly empathise with Seven. On one hand it’s clearly got Seven’s on-air watermarking which is clear to see but on the other if I was the news director and had an exclusive, I’d want people watching only my news getting the benefit of my team’s work (well at least in that half hour), but I guess it probably comes down to how important that story is to viewers in that market (I’m not sure what the story is about looking at that image…). But it might have to come down to the team getting more regular exclusives for the competition to broadcast, then with that brand going out there, viewers hopefully switching over to see it first and as it happens.
Launch of the new Brisbane studios? Or are you thinking of something much bigger?
They’re allowed to bug images 7 News or 9 News out of the pool helicopter. They can’t use terms like ‘First on’ or ‘Exclusive’.
What is the point of putting a 9 News watermark across the middle of shared footage - we’ve been told it is to stop Seven from stealing their footage but the competition has it already. Seems more like a deceptive practice to make the images look exclusive without using the word.
For when Ten no doubt steal the vision or it is on the front page of a newspaper website? There is more at play than just what 7 do.
If either of those was the case they would put the watermark across all stories.
Tell me that when we see ‘Courtesy of 9’ at 5pm on some breaking news that 10 have no chance of covering.
This is a good example of how networks sensationalise and catastrophise news. In this case a 2-hour old under-control house fire with no injuries is breathlessly shouted as the first story on the news while standing next to a big screen and as breaking news and to add to the story-telling a large scrolling watermark makes it look exclusive and even more important. The screen wasn’t used as part of the story, the standing opening contributed nothing, the watermark wasn’t needed but as a whole they all contributed to the over-hyped presentation.
Presumably related to Brisbane’s upgraded set and studio? Or something else entirely?
One thing I’d really love to know is Nine News’ position on updating the theme music after close to a decade with the current version, especially after ABC News got another refreshed theme this week and both Seven and Ten having updated the theme music to their news services in recent years.
Personally I think Nine News’ near decade old version of their current theme music is becoming stale. The familiar “Cool Hand Luke signature” should be kept with any update of course, but a fresher sound for Nine News which works better with the newer sets & graphics would be appreciated.
Of course I agree with you there. CHL needs a bit more ‘life’ into it.
However, I’m sure that Nine isn’t really any bad when it comes to updating their theme (I wish they could do it soon). There is a certain news program in China called Xinwen Lianbo who’s used the same theme song without any updates for almost three decades (A bit off-topic I know, but still). Hopefully Nine doesn’t copy them.
Historic? Probably not (hope not anyway because the current SD is awful). It could have to do with the theme music or branding of the news…
24/7 Commercial News channel? The Nine News Channel… Very unlikely, but still