If someone can post it, I’d love the rest of the country to see it. It’s appalling.
Wow, what a tacky promo.
Although somehow, I’m not surprised. Nine News Queensland seems to be the most sensationalist of all the East Coast 6pm bulletins.
You’d be forgiven for thinking that’s an ACA promo, good lord that is terrible.
When did a slightly modified Promo Endtag from the New Set Launch “First & Best In Sydney” Promos become the standard?
Also, the same Sydney 6pm news service is running one of their favourite viewer competitions over two weeks this year!
Aside from that, Nine News Sydney had rather solid coverage on the weather situation. But again I’ll say there’s one very important element missing from their weather (not just for major events, but in general) that I personally think needs to be addressed sooner rather than later…
Gen 4 of the crappy backdrop. Darker than before and they changed the cloud layer! Red is back on desk
I see you’ve mentioned it many times. However, in the forseeable future, your meteorologist Graham Creed will not be seen on Nine News Sydney any soon. Case closed.
It doesn’t have to be him in particular, of course.
And yes, I’ll admit that I’ve probably mentioned it too many times to the point that it’s starting to wear thin!
It is rather interesting that 6 months ago when I suggested that Nine News Sydney consider getting a meteorologist, people were up in arms up about the idea. A few months after jacketgate, the tides have turned…
The other day I realised another factor why Nine News Sydney has dropped its leadership- the retirement of Ken Sutcliffe. While I am sure Cam is the best replacement, Ken was the last association with NNN with Brian Henderson for the senior viewers.
They pretty much have a still image because Seven Perth doesn’t have a live shot as there background… i don’t see any other reason why you would replace a perfectly good template on a nice set for a full still image of the city…
Fucking revolting.
You don’t need to tell me that Hendo has a Brain!
This is SO BAD.
7 Qld has a live press conference with the Gold Coast mayor and authorities and 9 has their own newsreaders sitting at the desk talking to their weatherman.
This was interesting to see in Melbourne tonight. Curiously, it’s the second time this week 9 News Melbourne has nicked 7 News Melbourne footage. Earlier this week they had a couple of afternoon updates of a servo robbery and used video with the first on 7 logo but cropped that and the 7 news logo out for the news at 6 o’clock.
Possibly getting back at Sevens COS for a report on GTV’s COS.
Although it’s not as if Nine didn’t acknowledge where that footage came from.
Completely cropping the video and using a “First on Nine” graphic on it, now that would be really dodgy.
I agree on all of that. It’s just the first time for a very long time I’ve seen this on 9 News on the main bulletin. What a time to be alive.