Nine (NBN)

It was probably one or two people speculating that they might be replacing NBN News, most of here know what’s going on next week from their new studios.

Do you know if Network 9 news bosses and network bosses in general had a preference on changing to 9 News but ultimately alllowed NBN to make the call?

And is the station basically just NBN internally now like GTV and QTQ, but to the consumer it’s just Channel 9? Is that basically how it’s seen?

Horray! Horray! I’m extremely very pleased and very happy It’s good to see local brands being kept in a form or another I look forward to Monday night.

Let’s hope WIN, Prime and GWN follow NBN lead and keep local branding in the local news

I’d say it’s highly likely they will until 7 or 9 buys them out, but I think the same will happen with the NBN News brand sooner or later - it’s inevitable.


This is celebrating a façade of localism; WIN’s brand didn’t stop them centralising presentation of their ‘local’ news services to Wollongong.

Branding and presentation aren’t nothing, but I’d rather the networks & affiliates had a nice, clean, consistent national brand with better local content, especially news.


Some screencaps of Goodbye Mosbri:


It was a good special - finally got to see Paul and Natasha in HD, and pleased to see it had closed captions too.

But given it was aired across North NSW it was a bit too Newcastle centric - they could have mentioned coverage of North Coast bushfires or North West floods in the news segment, but they didn’t. There was brief coverage of the Nth NSW expansion in 1992 but that was it.


Is anyone able to shed some light over the Australia Network being based there? I thought it was run by the ABC.


It’s changed hands a few times. Even 7 had it at the turn of the millennium.


The other thing I found interesting was coverage to Lightning Ridge. As Imparja now services it, how did that get changed, or was long range reception from Mt Dowe required? @hatdj might know?


Lightning Ridge back in the day had a Translator for NEN from Tamworth (Not sure if NBN & NRN were ever added) I’m pretty sure it was switched to IMP when aggregation happend in 1993 in Northern NSW

There is the odd big antenna stacks on houses in the town but most were pointed to Cenn Cruiach for CBN,WIN & CTC with only the Odd one pointing to Dowe and most of them were VHF only for the old NEN-9


Here’s and old NEN video that mentions Lighting ridge but this is pre Aggregation in Southern NSW in 1989

9-8 Television Start to Day 1988 - YouTube


I am watching Goodbye Mosbri and had no idea that NBN used the same version of “We’re with you” that TVW used a lot in the 80s. That ident was always a favourite of mine.

It was initially created for WNAC-7 in Boston. In Australia TVW used it and also created a version for SAS-10 in Adelaide. I remember the first time I heard “Channel 10, we’re with you” and thought that was strange but it made sense since TVW owned them at the time.

“NBN, we’re with you”. What an unexpected surprise. The things you learn.


My recollection was that NBN did it under contract to the operator at the time - they also did some stuff out of their Tamworth facility

That’s interesting - I always thought Tamworth was just a sales office and a hub for reporters to base themselves out of and send reports back to Newcastle. And maybe a small studio for commercials.


Another ID


This ad has been running well over a year now for Nine Digital Direct in Tamworth, and I’m still damned if I know why they’re talking to a tree.


Hmmm… over a year and you still haven’t twigged yet? Maybe they’ll branch out to new ads soon and leaf these ones alone - or they might choose to stick with it. Ah well, time for me to make like a tree and bark.


Thank You ID with local insert


North Sydney promo guys could’ve asked Jane to film a split second instead of keeping Georgie’s part from Sydney. Just asking.