Nine (NBN)

last night after 6 the signpost was VO-free… would have been a great get for someone to have for mocking.

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Yeah I missed it. Stuffed up a recording which would’ve had it. Hopefully someone else recorded it

Given Newcastle is by Far Rugby League Heartland along with Most of the Northern NSW TV Region, NBN is the Highest Rating Station by a Long Way due to the Knights being Sponsored.

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nothing to do with sponsorship - NBN doesn’t even air Knights games except for what Nine does.

NBN rates high because of News, a local connection and great promotions/events. Prime7 does its best and isn’t too far behind.


Another Odd thing I’ve seen on 9NBN post July 1. There was a Promo for a North West event for the Westpac chopper and instead of either putting to old NBN logo or NINE Logo on the billboard they put the NBN News Logo on it. It looked a little strange to be honest.

I have to admit, I am still finding it a bit weird with the Kev Kellaway v/o on the evening signposts now … him saying “on Ninnneeee!” …

I guess partly also because he has been mentioning “NBN News” in the line up a few times of late, which he rarely used to do…

It gives me the impression that Nine has “outsourced” 6pm news to NBN, and that is all NBN does these days (it doesn’t exist for the other 23 hours of the day).

Another one changed in the last few days.



Tonight’s lineup didn’t have “NBN News”, it just had “News”.

But Kev said “NBN News”


What are the differences between NBN Gold Coast and Nine Gold Coast now? Do they have different watermarks or are they identical?

Is the channel name in the EPG different?

Nine add a “Gold Coast” next to the 9 logo in their watermark.
As far as I know, NBN have a little NBN written in that same spot on their watermark.


Tick off another box.

Probably going too far if Kev said it too. Give it a few weeks :slight_smile:

This is the slowest most cautious rebrand ever.

It’s clearly being managed.

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some might say “overly drawn out” :slight_smile:

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it’s different every night - on Tuesday we had:

“NBN News” and “ACA”

Kev always starts before six with the signpost emphasising “Tonight, NBEEENNNN News, followed by” then at the end it’s “Tonight, on NIIINNNEEE”

Then after six it’s “Tonight on NIINNNEEEE, A Current Affair, followed by”


"NBN News " was back on the lineup last night. Must have got too many complaints.

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NBN has just never been consistent with branding.

I am on the central coast on holidays. I am watching nine HD Newcastle. So no more nbn? There is nbn on the TV guide. Or am I watching nine central coast but now they call it nine Newcastle. It has Newcastle ads . Confusing :grinning:

I believe that the channel is still branded as “NBN Nine” on the LCN name and watermark on the Gold/Central Coast feeds, but branded only as Nine outside of local news in the other four markets.


This channel is 80 9HD Newcastle. There is also 8 Nine Newcastle. I am at Bateau Bay.


Sounds like you are getting the Newcastle signals where you are, not the local Central Coast signals from Forresters Beach (which is just one suburb south of you!).

Conversely, I am up near Newcastle (Charlestown) and I can get “Nine NBN Central Coast” (as per the LCN name).

Everything is branded as Nine on air, except for 6pm news which is still “NBN News”.