Nine (NBN)

Nah NBN as a TV station would still be covered under copyright i’d say.

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The little NBN logo falls just outside the 21:9 safe area

Those people with 21:9 screens miss out :slight_smile:

Seriously, what’s the point of the little NBN? Should’ve just changed everything over to Nine


I agree, in reality, they haven’t done a very good with the transition really… too many inconsistencies.

But really, I am just pleased that NBN (and WIN) both now have HD (and Life).

The logo looks awful - considering the dots are enough for 9Life, 9Go and 9Gem no reason why 9NBN needs the 9 in it’s logo.

The logo looks awful - considering the dots are enough for 9Life, 9Go and 9Gem no reason why 9NBN needs the 9 in it’s logo.

But Nine owns NBN now like they own QTQ and TCN.

Clearly the plan is to phase out the NBN brand altogether over the next 12 months or so.

So, having the 9 in the logo is a strategic part of that

I think clearly the choice was made to keep the NBN brand in some places like the News and lineups and ID, and subtlely creep in the 9 logo on promos, bugs and animations etc. I checked NBN’s Facebook page - not a single comment about "9 taking over local Newcastle TV’ - which would have been the fear / issue. So clearly they have migrated gently and well. And i think doing it all on the same day as 9Life / 9HD kind of hides the fact that 9 branding has crept in and NBN is on the way out. And almost not a peep from viewers.

I think a hard switch to 9 would have triggered angry responses - so I think (although a bit messy and inconsistent) they have done it well.

I would expect NBN News, NBN social media etc - switch over to 9 in the next 6-12 months, quietly.


Like I said earlier… What heritage? People are not stupid and don’t care for the brand loyalty anymore. Why is it that Woolies decided to scrap the Safeway brand in Victoria after all these years? With the internet, people aren’t living in this uncontactable villages anymore where they believe their world is what they see locally. Most people would have known that NBN is Channel Nine through all the programming they see where Nine is mentioned…ie. “You’re watching Nine’s Wide World of Sports”, etc. The logo for many years has carried the dots. Plus many people on the Facebook page seemed to know that Nine already had started 9life and 9HD months ago and they wanted it too. I don’t think people care that their local channel is called 9 or NBN as long as they can still watch their favourite shows. When Sunshine Television became Seven, there was no uproar, no terror in the streets and no people with pitchforks going off over the change…don’t see why people are making a big deal out of this when NBN hasn’t been NBN for so long now, it no longer really matters.


NBN has been a local TV brand in Australia’s 7th largest city for almost 60 years. That is called brand heritage. I work in TV and branding marketing, and if it were up to me I would opt for a gradual 6 month change also - as NBN has done.


NBN does not broadcast outside its Northern NSW market, so what people outside it think does not matter.


You took the words right out of my mouth Aurora.

As weird as it may look, I think they’re doing the right thing by gradually phasing out the NBN brand for the Nine one. Reduces the possibility of angry “It’s a disgrace how Sydney is taking over our local NBN TV!” comments from parochial Novocastrians and all the rest.

I daresay that by the end of this year or early next year, NBN will probably be collectively known as Nine Northern NSW/Gold Coast but presented to the audience as “Channel Nine Newcastle” or whatever the case may be. When Nine News has it’s next major branding change (it’s been a while since Nine News has had any major presentational changes to speak of, so I think some will most likely happen within the next 12-18 months), that’s probably when the news branding will be fully switched over to the network stuff.

As it’s been said before, TCN and GTV have mainly been branded as Channel Nine Sydney and Channel Nine Melbourne for decades now - people have certainly gotten used to that so I’m sure NBN viewers will also eventually get used to their local station being called Channel Nine.

Is anyone else’s 9HD black screen?

mine is fine.

And people wonder why NBN needs to be fully rebranded… well DERR!!!

‎Ian Weaver‎ to NBN Television

I was supposed to have my NBN connected to day between 8am and 12 noon it is after 2pm and no sign of any technician or anything not even a call or a text to say there running late not real good NBN

NBN Television NBN Australia


Give the poor man a break Mark Sales… maybe Ian is one of those older people that doesn’t have all his faculties. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Maybe it’s because your TV can’t receive the MPEG4 channel. Check to see if you can get RACING.COM on 68. If there’s no picture there, it’s definitely because your TV can’t get MPEG4!

Are they still showing Big Dog going to bed at 7:30pm?

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My cable runs bia the Shitty Austar box. If it goes straight to the wall socket it may work.

Update still doesn’t work, the TV is only 3 years old so I would think it would work. The other TV doesn’t work either which is 5 years old and a Samsung.

One thing to try is to do a complete system reset and then rescan. Some receivers have a hard time forgetting the previous channels and it makes them not store the new ones.

One way to tell is to look at channel 350 and up. So,e receivers put the channels there if they can’t overwrite the last stored ones.

Try the system reset/factory rest and see how that goes.

Because old mate didn’t read the name of the page he commented on?

Get the sign makers on the phone ASAP. We need some new building signage!