Studio plans for Nine’s new North Sydney offices -
This is the main production studio on the ground floor. Note no windows so no fishbowl studio, but there is direct access off the street for studio audiences. Today Extra will also use the downstairs studio instead of sharing a news studio again.
And this is the newsroom on level 1. Both main studios have big windows but these are shown with curtains (and there won’t be much of a view anyway, just of surrounding buildings). Interesting to note there appears to only be one control room (is that even possible with multiple bulletins going out at 6pm?). Also there is a small “radio studio” and a “multimedia room” which I guess might be used for podcasting or digital content.
While I’m sure the new offices will be great there’s not much here that gets me excited. Certainly no newsroom studios or anything special for Today. Feels like a wasted opportunity.