Main channel promotion
Children’s program rated PG?
Most are these days.
It depends what its made for. If its really young children then it would be “G” but most are PG.
Not really a children’s program then if technically you should watch with your parents due to the themes in the program.
Don’t forget though its very easy for a program to go from G to PG in 2024. Just because something is PG doesn’t meant children shouldn’t watch it.
Has 10 been… listening to our advice?
Why have they been co-incidentally doing this so much recently?
It seems from next Monday, Nickelodeon will be like 10 Peach 2.0 with Friends, The Big Bang Theory and Two and a Half Men playing on Nick at Nite as well as on 10 Peach. What’s the point of playing similar content on both channels. Network 10 programming have no idea whatsoever.
They must be desperate now. The content must not be resonating
At this point pull an ABC and combine Nickelodeon & 10Peach if you’re gonna be this half-butt about programming. Seriously 10.
The thing here is with the closure of ABC Me, there’s a niche in the market for teen/tween programming at night because ABC Family is not that great, so 10 should target that rather than a stale episode of Friends.
I would personally prefer if they reinstated the Foxtel channel feeds and converted the FTA to a CW-style format
Bring back 10 Shake. At least that showed different programming and was much better than Nickelodeon is now.
Reading this thread, sounds like the 10 Nickelodeon is basically the same as the US version. Another brand slowly being retired.
The one thing that’s better than Shake is the nightly movies and they’re actually showing a lot of different/fresh titles, especially from Paramount… Just a shame they’re not promoted and nobody’s watching, let alone even being aware of this channel.
Breakdown on now, a 1997 thriller starring Kurt Russell, a great picture and well received, it’s become more popular as years have gone by. Also one of J.T. Walsh’s final performances and a good one, playing the villain.
I agree. They do air some good movies at 7.30pm. But never promote them.
On the odd occasion i watch The Middle that airs between 6.30 and 7.30pm, there is one generic ad, along the lines of “watch flicks on nick@nite” - or along those lines. Without actually telling us what movies are coming up. Just need better promotion. Because obviously, noone is checking the guides for this channel, going by recent ratings (as in - nothing ever goes in the top 30, even in key demos).