News Corp Australia

In Mackay, the News Corp paper is by far and away the most objective of the three print/web outlets.

I wonder what vacuum News Corp leaving these markets will cause. I guess we can look at Ayr as an indicator. The Burdekin Advocate more or less completely shut down and was replaced with an antivaxxer, conspiracy peddling newspaper that is entirely dependent on advertising from the coal lobby. This was replicated in Bowen. In Stanthorpe. In Ingham. In Cardwell.

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Years ago The Australian had a really good media section, and back then I’d even buy the paper on Mondays just for its media section, but these days it’s incredibly biased, politically-motivated and can be loose with the truth, particularly against the ABC or anything they deem to be “woke”. I wouldn’t pay a cent for it, now.


Apparently they lost their shit after Four Corners did an episode on Fox News and had something like 40-60 articles attacking the ABC within 2 days.

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Heck, I remember when the Australian was a credible (or least credible-ish) right-of-centre newspaper.

Sources said the three new divisions would be:
“Fast and free” division - and e-commerce sites
Metro and sports division - papers such as Herald Sun and The Daily Telegraph
“Affluent and influential” division - The Australian and prestige publications such as Vogue Australia and GQ

Other options canvassed included moving Sky News Australia into News Corp’s headquarters at Holt Street in Surry Hills.


From the Australian’s Media email digest:

Really, The Australian? That was the big takeaway? There was nothing else to headline from yesterday’s judgement?


Saw these on X


News Corp accuse others of participating in “activist journalism” yet they do it in plain sight.


Yes this is the agenda they are running now that they can’t barrack for Bruce Leherman. They’re going to politicize it all to support their liberal mate. It’s endlessly transparent.

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I wonder what’s Janet’s hot take this morning :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I have to say, though, this is not the front page headline I was expecting from the Herald Sun

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The Australian


Same with The Advertiser here in Adelaide:


The Australian had to get a dig in “dodgy project” but none of their publications or broadcasts aren’t dodgy at all.


could not help themselves :roll_eyes:


In fairness to the Oz, they have to justify their dogmatic support for Lehrmann somehow.


They’ve published more this afternoon bashing 10 and the project as well as the government for paying Brittany Higgins money. They’re like rabid dogs and the putrid readers are commenting some of the most vile and hate filled comments.

Ironically “free to air is full of bias” and they prefer sky news that bastion of balanced news.


The news side of Sky News is actually reasonably balanced. Its the opinion/after dark shows that really tip to the right.

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Nope… it’s nuanced right wing stuff. Blink and you’ll miss is. It’s in the modality of the language. They sneak it in.

I laugh at the fact that Sky news and the ABC are clearly in love with each other. :joy:

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