News Breakfast

News Breakfast changed it’s Facebook cover photo to a pick of Michael and Lisa, a lot of comments about the rotating parade of people sitting next to Michael, so even the punters at home are making a point of it.


Friday (22.03.2024): Michael is live from Launceston, Tasmania ahead of tomorrow’s state election. Bridget is hosting solo in studio and Emma Rebellato is doing news.

Nate is presenting the weather from a science festival in Brisbane.


Monday (25.03.2024): Bridget Brennan is co-hosting with Michael. Emma Rebellato is presenting sport today.

Extended to 10am today, due to technical difficulties in Sydney.

Tuesday (26.03.3024): Emma Rebellato is co-hosting with Michael this morning.


About six weeks ago, they reverted to having this chat after all of the main news and weather, which is good. However, at the same time they have added this cross-promotion for Triple-J’s unearthed competition. When Nate finishes the weather at the top of the hour, it switches to a wide shot of the set. As the song of the day plays, Nate, Tony and Emma walk out while Michael and Lisa awkwardly shuffle their papers for a few seconds (click the first image to take you to the video) .


It’s not a bad idea to have music, it’s just poorly executed IMO. Doesn’t this subconsciously encourage viewers to walk away if they are watching the presenters do this??? Maybe playing it at the end of each hour before the breaks would be better.

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Yeah nah. The format of the VT-Michael era was not broken. Every time they change it and dumb it down the show gets worse and worse.

Also, if the show cares about Australian music, maybe commission an Australian composer for your theme music instead of using generic library music? That would actually be a meaningful thing and not a gimmick.


Was at one point getting higher ratings than Today, and even if they weren’t getting higher ratings than Today it would still come second in Perth and Adelaide.

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Not sure why but I found that shot of them walking away quite funny

0700-0930 for Good Friday.


Monday (01.04.2024): Emma Rebellato and Stephanie Ferrier are hosting today. Charles Brice is presenting sport from Adelaide. There is no dedicated weather presenter.

Tuesday (02.04.2024): Emma Rebellato is co-hosting with Lisa this morning. Stephanie Ferrier is doing the weather and Charles Brice is presenting sport from Adelaide.

Wednesday (03.04.2024): Tom Maddocks is presenting sport today and Emma Rebellato is on weather.

Thursday (04.04.2024): Emma Rebellato presenting weather.

Friday (05.04.2024): Emma Rebellato is presenting weather and Charles Brice is doing sport from Adelaide.


Abc Musical Chairs GIF by The Bachelorette


Tony returned from sick leave today. He’s off again now on assignment and then leave, taking him off the program until mid-June.

Based on the last six months, I have tried to accurately update the listing:


hEs nEvEr ThErE :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: cue the next Daily Mail article…

I really did like Tony when he first stated… but now I’m not too sure.

Whats everyone else thoughts?

Filming this new show for the ABC?

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Michael Rowland on holidays for next fortnight.


Don’t usually rate footballers turned tv presenters, and Tony is no exception. Always gives me the feeling he doesn’t take it seriously.

Yes, there is a bit of that.
Something seems to have changed in the way he comes across on air.


Monday (08.04.2024): Bridget Brennan is co-hosting with Lisa today. No dedicated news or sport presenter.

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