New Zealand TV


Good luck merging those two cultures!

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It should’ve been done decades ago.

Why do we have two different Government-owned broadcasters in the first place? 95% sure NZ is the only developed country to do so.

It better be funded properly and not some half arse attempt.


Germany has three: ARD television which is a grouping of regional government owned channels, ZDF television which is a national service that was established by the state governments, and Deutschlandradio which is national public radio.

France Télévisions and Radio France are separate government owned broadcasters.

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Australia has the ABC and SBS. Although SBS has advertising on it.

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Why don’t they just got with a fully funded national broadcaster aka BBC or ABC it’d alleviate pressure on commercial broadcasters and allow for a wider scope of programming without commercial pressures.

New Zealand can’t really cope with so many commercial broadcasters.


Huh. I wasn’t aware of this. Despite this Germany and France are still two very large countries in comparison to NZ. It’s simply unneeded having two public broadcasters for a country of 4.9 Million.

Doesn’t SBS act in a more Maori TV like role? More focused on other cultures & people? (I’m possibly very, very, very wrong here.)

SBS is supposed to be the multicultural broadcaster. The main channels tend to barely show any foreign language material except for the overseas news bulletins in the morning. They do carry NITV (National Indigenous Television) and there is a foreign movie channel as well.

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Sky Sport NZ has launched some new graphics today for its final summer producing international cricket in NZ before the rights go to Spark.

They’re a real mishmash of Sky’s new corporate branding with some Sky Sport UK influence.

New Zealand v England, first cricket test 2018/19.


Really liked Sky’s previous graphics - these new graphics aren’t nearly as good

Agreed. Big backwards step I think.

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I agree. Sky’s previous graphics were good. I like the score target and statistics icons.

The 2019 New Zealand TV Awards were held last Thursday night.

Happy birthday TV3,
From TV4 (he he he)


Interesting. No FTA coverage on prime this year like previous years.


Very interesting indeed. Positions Sky in a more positive light and TVNZ were probably willing to pay a good price to keep maintaining their renewed commitment to sport.


Recoups a bit of money for Sky too, which doesn’t hurt (probably more than they might have got from utilising Prime).

What hasn’t been mentioned and I may have missed it, there’s no assurances TVNZ will be actually showing LIVE coverage. Last time around Prime had a curated broadcast but very little, if anything live including scheduled gold medal finals for NZ.


Yep, they can probably make more $ easier by selling the coverage to TVNZ rather than selling the ads themselves on Prime.

Rumour on Geekzone has it Prime is about to go HD on Terrestrial

It’s on the Kordia (K1) Mux, calling itself “Test Channel.”

Very exciting.