Whats to bet hes JayJays Father
Permanent or a guestie?
It seems like he might be a regular. Could be the character who has replaced David Tanaka as a regular.
Based on the similarities between Felix and JJ it seems pretty sure that they’re related. I wonder if they’re related in real life? I know they have different surnames but that could be to throw people off. If they’re not related in real life then the producers have done an awesome job finding someone who looks so much like the actor who plays JJ.
They’re not related. James Beaufort has been acting for a long time before Neighbours.
I thought it may have been the same as in The Big Bang Theory where Laurie Metcalf plays Mary Cooper, Shedon’s mother, and her real life daughter, Zoe Perry, plays the same role in Young Sheldon.
Nice to see the Rodwells expanding and getting more focus. I really hope Andrew’s brother isn’t JJ’s father but I doubt it. So much for that American donor. God that fridge must have had no food and just jars of jizz instead. Manky.
The funeral was pretty piss poor. I at least thought Cara & Remi would have been there given their friendship but nope.
I really like how brazen Chelsea is. Get it girl. I know she won’t win but I hope Paul at least gives her some coins.
You are probably the only one who thinks do. The majority have thought this was one of the strongest episodes since the show returned. It was the second highest rating episode after the episode featuring the death of David which suggests viewers agreed.
Guess you need to read at other places then and not mindless echo chambers. I saw multiple people negatively commenting, mentioning the lack of Mark, Tyler or Chloe even Susan, not enough focus on David and memorable moments and how Sadie shouldn’t have blurted out the secret when she did.
David’s death and aftermath was not a patch on Sonya’s, Hendrix’s or even Fay’s. It felt cheap by comparison. Producers were even too cheap to pay Mell Bell for studio scenes.
So what. Funerals and weddings always generate more ratings, because you know it’s higher stakes and not the norm of day to day activities. Plus 10 did air more promos on their main channel during better slots and programmes.
Again saying this was one of the strongest episodes since it returned isn’t saying much either. I’ve enjoyed it for the most part, but the quality of scripts and acting isn’t on the level as in 2022.
There will always be critics, especially the mindless, vocal minority.
What the vocal minority that are watching something else and weren’t impressed with the return so much so 10 had to backflip and dump it before Bold & Beautiful. That very vocal minority?
No, just you.
I don’t necessarily see critics as being a “vocal minority” and “mindless”. In some respects following the majority can be seen as just as mindless, like sheep or Lemmings, just following the crowd!
It’s entirely possible that people can love and dislike the same episode for legitimate reasons in both cases.
What? You’re not making much sense JBar.
You don’t need to get pissy just because I said the episode was a let down and generally speaking the quality of Neighbours hasn’t been that great since the return. I’m not the only one that has those sentiments either which the ratings also justify. If you desperately need confirmation I can post screencaps from other forums. Though that would be rather pathetic.
I want Neighbours to succeed and Australian drama in general but if it’s shit then I’m going to call it out as such. I never said Neighbours was absolute shit that needed canning just the writing, pacing and decisions have been pretty disappointing lately which is a shame as until the Sasha stuff I was really enjoying it for the most part.
Maybe instead of getting in your feelings and weirdly making things personal you can just comment on the show.
Of course. I was trying to address the criticism about certain characters not being at the funeral without going into details but maybe we need to do that so people have a better understanding.
While you can have the whole cast appear at a funeral, you have to remember that cast members are contracted to appear in so many episodes every week. So if you have some cast members just appearing in the episode as extras or with minimal lines, then you’re wasting their number of appearances and can’t use them in other episodes that week. So while, Remi and Cara had become recent friends with Aaron and David, I guess the actors and characters were needed for other episodes during that week.
As for particular actors not being there, Jackie Woodburne had a long overseas trip planned before the show returned. Producers accommodated for her absence by writing Susan out for a few months, which is why she couldn’t be there. April Rose Pengilly offered to return as Chloe but producers told her that didn’t fit in with her character supposedly being overseas on her honeymoon and also the reason why Susan is absent, looking after her new wife Elly’s child. In regards to Mark and Tyler, Aaron’s other siblings, coming back, it’s often difficult to bring multiple characters and find something substantial for all them to contribute in that one episode.
By no means am I saying, this was perfect episode but in my opinion it was one of the better ones this season.
That just shows how people watching the same show can have widely differing opinions. I actually thought the whole Sasha storyline was one of the most disappointing storylines they have attempted since they returned.
That’s poor writing and producing, plain and simple. Don’t build up friendships and then act shocked Pikachu when it gets pointed out that they should realistically be somewhere where they’re needed. They knew Takaya wouldn’t be staying around long and planned to kill David off in 2022. The appearance allocation for the episodes was known well in advance so instead of having Remi pointlessly doing a scene in Harold’s or bitching about Chelsea every episode she appears maybe get her to represent the family at the funeral.
Huh? You’re the one that gets in a tizzy when someone disagrees with you.
Considering it was all one big pointless plot device that undermined Nicolette as a character you’re not wrong. Nicolette has been such a let down. I loved Charlotte, but even without her this Nic just sucks. Toned down, boring storylines but usually a spare part. I hope the upcoming Amira character is going to be a love interest.
LOL Ya coffee sucks. Then damaging the van with David’s mug on it. I haven’t laughed so hard on Neighbours in ages. I like these PG rated hooligans. I guess Aaron isn’t the only one that can deface a character’s image.
The sooner Terese gets back with Paul the better. Fingers crossed they can stay together longer than a couple of months without some contrived story to rip them apart for the 30th time.
Chelsea is so fucking annoying. The quicker they fast track her downfall the better.
I like her stirring things up but I always love a good villain.