
Unless they’re flaky queer, non binary pansexual people like Chloe & Elly. If you’re a lesbian you’re just one good dick away from being cured.

It really upset me. It took Neighbours 35 years to introduce a lesbian character and now out of the blue she has feelings for a man.

As for the rest I guess it was well written. Aaron was very good in the grief scenes and I’ll look forward to seeing him move on from BooBoo.

As for David croaking, meh. He was a self righteous, sanctimonious, hypocrite, awkward character for most of his run so I didn’t get the feels like I did with Sonya. Also choosing to help a criminal at the expense of being alive was a stupid decision. I get it, but it was still dumb.

I felt sorry more for Chelsea. Something happens again to ruin her scheme. I wonder what she was recording.


What a bizzare take. Each to their own I guess.

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Ryan Moloney will embark on a solo tour of Britain this September. To sign up for more details and pre-sale access for selected venues, visit Maple Tree Entertainment website.

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Looks like someone got plugs

Is he really that interesting he could sustain a one man show?

I’ve recently started watching on Amazon Prime and can say after more than half way through, I am impressed with Neighbours 2.0. I was a bit sceptical at first after hearing it was being revived considering how it all ended originally and a fan prior to the cancellation, but the producers have done well with this one.

What’s the connection between MacKenzie and David/Aaron?

Just neighbours. No connection that I’m aware of.

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Hmm they just made a point of Haz comforting Mack (or not knowing how to moreso) so thought there was a backstory.

Its probably because she lost her husband Hendrix just prior to the shows “ending” and it was the last big death in the show, so it would bring up memories for her

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Ahh that would explain it!

I really should go back to some of those eps now I’m so ridiculous invested in this new iteration :person_fencing:

How long will this run of Neighbours go on for?

At least 2 years in total has been committed to.

Up to Easter or May I don’t know because they’re only making 200 episodes a year now?

Because it started in September, we are only half way through year 1 of the 2 year agreement. So it should run until at least September 2025


They have said the initial contract is two years.

Travis yes that’s correct but we thought there might be breaks during this 2 year period.

These breaks are Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s not a bizarre take at all to the LGBT+ community.

Unless you’re a minority you’re never going to get on screen representation or role models or why it matters so much.

Not to mention it’s a horribly outdated and offensive cliched writing trope.

How many straight men have suddenly out of the blue confessed to having sexual feelings for another guy on Neighbours or let alone any other tv shows? Yeah it doesn’t happen, but usually without fail a Lesbian on tv at some point has to develop feelings for a man.

Not only that but Australian drama has a horrible history of writing gay characters only to turn them straight when the network balks or they get complaints from the conservative audience.

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They did do that once on Neighbours but he was a guest character not a regular.

Georgia Brook’s boyfriend, Scotty Boland, took a romantic interest in Chris Pappas. During a charity camp-out organised by Georgia, Scotty visits Chris’ tent during the night and makes a romantic advance towards him. After the camp-out incident, Scotty tries to kiss Chris, but Chris doesn’t go for it. Scotty proposes to Georgia but decides to remain silent about the incident to stop her from having her heart broken. Eventually the engagement is broken.