
Tonight’s episode was dedicated to him.

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These shots from today’s episode were posted on Instagram. Could be a literal cliffhanger. :wink:

What are the chances of both baddies finding them all in their rented accomodation. :scream:


Depends who revealed it. :wink:

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What do you know?

No spoilers but purely speculation. I’ve put a few pieces together.

The clues for me were that David wanted Paul invite Krista to a planned family dinner when they returned and he agreed to do so, if she was still around. But Paul doesn’t want Krista with his son Leo and wasn’t happy to hear they were planning a life together.

Paul interrupted his date when he received a call from an unknown number and then said he had some business to take care of. Police officer Andrew came in later and needed to talk to Paul about something.

Eden was in jail because nobody would pay for his bail. Now Eden was out of jail and looking for Krista. He already knew about Krista’s pregnancy when he arrived. He also accused Krista of taking drugs. Everyone believed her drink had been spiked at the New Years Eve party except for Paul who has been accusing her of using drugs again.

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I really hope Paul isn’t involved. Maybe he gets blamed but they later discover that someone else paid Eden’s bail. To me that would be a better storyline because Paul would be grieving but at the same time all of Erinsborough would be hating him because they think he caused this.

But that’s just nomal for him. :wink:


That’s true, but personally I would like to see Paul’s vulnerable side at the loss of his son. Perhaps he could seek revenge on whoever else did it. But then again, what happened does have Paul’s name all over it.

I really wish Neighbours would stop using the lost two years to generate stories. It’s disjointed and really lowers the stakes to get invested in the story when we get told half of it. Show don’t tell.

This Nicolette/Sasha story has been beyond shit. Can we also stop the homophobia or even hints of it. Nicolette, a lesbian, should not have to pretend to have feelings for a man to save his bruised ego. Very insulting story.

Love Chelsea. I wish she was a regular. I love her conniving gold digging ways but I’d love to see more interaction with Cara, Remi and the boys. I like that dynamic.

Wendy has been a joy again this week, getting all worked up about Sadie not getting her money.

Loved seeing Vera again. It’s nice to see recurring characters, it fleshes out the community.

Hallelujah David is the one that snuffs it. Terrible retcon character. Will not be missed at all. I did enjoy see him tackle Eden off the cliff.

Now I just need Haz & Mac, two terminally boring characters to bid adieu and then the cast is pretty strong.


They can’t let two women be happy, can they?

Or the writers could just give them decent storylines.

They like to rush through on Neighbours don’t they. Not like the US soapies at all.

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Speaking of Mackenzie, what exactly is her job? Is it a councillor? Checking on compliance at Lassitters? Still working at Toadies Law Firm (or is that long gone)?

And i love soapie land. When someone is sick/ away from working at Harold’s Cafe or the Pub, it’s so easy for a resident from Ramsay Street to start working there. No training required at all. You start then and there.

Anyone else noticed a few more “zoomie” shots this week? Like a hark back to the olden days when these types of shots were more prevelent in all soapies.

The end of today’s episode on 10 saw a brief rendition of the sad piano version of the Neighbours theme, complete with end credits (which aren’t usually shown on 10).

The opening titles weren’t used, instead there was just the Neighbours logo after the recap with no music.

Well said Harriet.

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Quite a powerful episode. I’m not crying, you’re crying. Who the hell am I?


Same. Felt so emotional.

Really, really good episode. So well done. Matt Wilson (Aaron) was outstanding.

Big audience for Neighbours yesterday - the largest since the first week it returned.